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very strange manner. I am sorry I dislike so many people. I always meet at such places a number of men whom it is a trial to meet, whom I do not want to talk to and at the same time do not want to pass by. I dont speak to Curry nor Dick Hunt. Ferguson is always saying disagreeable things about me and every other artist. Mr. Stebbins was going to pass me by but I spoke to him and this is what I wish I could always do. I talked a little with Clark who tried to be agreeable and I am glad I did. My dear Gertrude was a perfect example to me in these respects. She had no resentments and could be kind to every one.

Friday March 7. Rain and sleet. Mr. Borden sent his two pictures to me to varnish or rather to oil out. I painted a little on the Saturday afternoon but cannot attempt much as it goes to the Union League on Tuesday next. The picture looks well to me although it was painted nine years ago. Fuller came in and paid me $800 for my picture of the "Yellow Woods" He seems to like it more and more. Drinks with the artists at Martinelli's. No one came but Perry, Wilmart, Ryder and myself. Perry and I went to the club afterwards. Sam Thompson there for the first time in a long while. His face looked very badly and he could scarcely speak above a whisper. He had a cold he said, but to me it seemed something more serious. He was nervous and restless. Read me a portion of a letter he had received from his wife today. She told him about the children and that they had sent him some presents. What must his reflections be thinking of them. I fear he will never see them again. I pitied him. He went away about 9 o'clock.

Saturday 8" Rainy. Went home by 340 train. Calvert came on board at Newburgh. Tom met us with sleigh. The rain had frozen in everything above the Highlands and the whole country was encased in ice.

Sunday 9. The elm trees are badly broken and the scene this morning is desolate and more wintry. After dinner Mary, Sara, Girard and I drove up to Riverdale by Greenkill. It snowed a little or rather a fine hail. Every where trees bent down with ice and many broken. The sleighing good but not in places. Got back at 6, raining a little which changed to snow at night.

Monday 10 Calvert and I came down by early train. At Kingston a man went to get on the train while it was moving out and fell, the car wheel knocking his hat off. He came very near going under the wheel and hurt his back. He got off at Highland and told me his back hurt him very much. Mr. & Mrs. Osterhardt & Mr & Mrs Van Slyke on the train. Fuller called with Mrs. Nanen who has invited me to dine a week from next Wednesday. Have not painted much today. Am trying to think of a subject for a new picture but somehow feel unquiet and it is a difficult thing to get at work. I am beginning to feel a little jaded and wish I were not obliged to work just now. Another siege at the Newton Trial at the Century. We thought we were to end it tonight but after sitting until midnight we adjourned to next Friday. Vanderpool had evidently been dining. 

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