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hearing that the artists were going to give some expression of their regard for Robt. Gordon, Hopkinson Smith has attempted to captain the whole affair and to direct it for the artists but we have repudiated him and advised Mr. Gordon that our compliment to him is entirely independent of Mr. Smith.

Saturday March 15" 1884. Went home by 3.40 train after beginning my picture at Kellys Corner. It has been a pleasant day and not very cold at night. Tom met me with the wagon the sleighing having all gone. John McEntee who had been up to Binnewater took supper with me and afterwards Nannie and Ethel came up to our regular weekly meeting. Mary read from the man with the broken ear.

Sunday 16. A typical March day, bright but windy. Wrote to Louise Weir. In the evening Mary, Sara, Gertrude and I walked up to Kingston to hear Mr. Van Slyke in "The Huguenots". Gussie staying at home with my father. She and I went down this afternoon to see Aunt Anne.

Monday 17. Mary and I came down by the morning train. She has been up there since Jan. 28 and is much improved in health. I painted all afternoon on my Batavia kill picture. Fuller came in. He had been to the Century to see my sketches. Asked if I needed to sell them and said he thought it would be a good plan for me and Whittredge to exhibit our studies together at the Moore Art Gallery but I did not agree with him. Fitch came in and told me he had sold two or three of them. Called on Mrs. French (Katy Wilkinson but she was not in. Went to the club. Saw Bristol and had a talk with him about the reception to Mr. Gordon.

Tuesday 18. Worked all day on my picture. Attended an Art Union meeting in the afternoon. We are reducing the debt. Signed an invitation to a reception to Mr. Gordon at the Academy on Apl 17. Spent the evening at the club.

Wednesday 19. Rained all day. Painted on my picture but am perplexed with it. Dined at Jas. Warrens with Millet and Fuller. It rained hard as I left the car and was most disagreeable. Was obliged to leave there at 8.30 to attend the Newton trial at the Century but when I reached there I found Hearne our witness could not come and we adjourned to next Wednesday. We talked the case over until 11 o'clock. A letter from Alice.

Thursday 20. Rain again. Worked on my picture but do not get on well. Do not know how to treat certain parts. It is not wise to go to work until you know just what you are going to do. The time spent in fully arranging your picture in your mind is profitably employed. To the Century in the evening. Discussed detail of the Gordon reception with Bristol and Eastman Johnson. Eastman and I walked over to the 6th Avenue together and talked of Thompson. We rarely see him and reproached ourselves for not going to see him while we admitted we were powerless to help him.

Friday 21" My fathers 84" birthday. I wrote to Sara that I 

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