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[[Newspaper Clipping]]

The funeral services over the body of Mme. Anna Bishop-Schultz were held yesterday afternoon at the late residence of the singer, No. 1,443 Park avenue. The body lay in the parlor, enclosed in a heavily draped casket. Upon the case lay a cross of calla lilies, the offering of Mme. Valleria, while upon the mantel and at other places in the room similar offerings from prominent members of the musical profession were placed.

At three o'clock, the hour set for the service, the apartments were crowded by the friends and associates of Mme. Bishop. Among them were Mme. Eugénie Pappenherm, Mme. Anna Drasdil, Mme. Chatterton-Bohrer, Mrs. Segnin, Miss Mary Seguin, Frank Howson, Rudolph Aronson, Thomas B. Counery, William A. Pond, P.S. Gilmore, John Howson, S. B. Mills, Colonel G.W. Laird, V. H. Seaman and Harry Edwards. Not a note was sung in connection with the service, which was read by Rev. Dr. Flagg, of Grace Church. At its conclusion an opportunity was given those present to take a last look at the familiar face.

This morning at eight o'clock the body will be taken to Great Hook, in Dutchess county, and placed beside Mme. Bishop's son, Augustus Bishop, in the church burial ground at that quiet hamlet.

Herald, March 22. 1884 

would not come home this week as I have to meet with the committee to arrange for the Gordon Reception on Saturday evening at the Century. Worked on my picture all day and improved it by some radical changes. My studies and sketches came back from the Century and Fitch handed me a check for $150 from Professor Youmans for two studies one the brook near Roggens from which I painted a picture for Mr. Bachelder $50 and a study at Marbletown made in 1882 for $100, so that I have got in all $500 from the exhibition of my studies at the Century when the object was really not to sell but only to show them. In the evening attended private theatricals at Willie Hutchinson's in which Marion, Bonyer, Larry Stoddard and others played. It passed off successfully. Mrs Stoddard was there, Miss Reynolds, Emma and Leta Brace & others. Went to the club afterwards. Madame Anna Bishops funeral occurred today. The death of a great singer always affects me greatly.

Saturday March 22. 1884. Painted on my picture. The weather is mild and pleasant. Mrs Lacey, George Thompsons widow, who came to see me two years ago called again today. She is in one of the Departments in Washington. Has been out to Chicago to see her son who has been ill. She told me that while she was living in N.Y. two years ago Bunce the painter boarded at the house where she was. He spoke disparagingly of me little dreaming that she knew any thing about me. She told him she was from the same town, that she knew my family and resented his insinuations. Attended a meeting of the committee in charge of the Gordon Reception at the Century. Huntington Robbins, B. F. Butler, Richard Butler, Eastman Johnson, Bristol, Collins, Nicoll Perry and myself present. Huntington Chairman appointed, Collins, Robbins, Nicoll, B. F. Butler, Richard Butler, myself and Huntington (added) committee on invitations.- Robbins for the supper and Nicoll for decorations and music. A form of invitation was agreed upon and it was decided to have the supper served in the South Gallery. We hope to make it a very distinguished affair. Received a notice of Hopkinson Smith's dinner to Gordon which I shall not respond to.

Sunday 23. I did not go home yesterday having to meet the committee on Mr. Gordons reception last night. Mary and I went to Mrs. Williams (Dr. Bellows) church. Mrs. Gambrill invited us to her pew. Mr. Williams is a young man and seems much liked by the congregation. While he impressed me favorably I was not inclined to be enthusiastic over him. One is always given such bad air to breathe in churches that I had all I could do to keep awake. Am reading Turginuffs [[Turgenev's]] Liza and am much impressed with his terse and graphic style. Came to my room a short 

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