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Sunday April 20" 1884. A strong North wind but with bright sunshine. The grass is getting green. I grafted the little pear tree down towards the barn the same one I did last year. I put in 11 grafts about equal quantities of Lawrence and of Seckel. I also put two buds of late cherry from the front of the house in a tree on the way to the gate. In the afternoon Sara Gertrude, Julia and I drove out on the Greenkill Road and found a nice lot of Arbutus which is just now in prime condition. 

Monday 21 My father drove me up to the station to the 7.40 train. The wind still blowing a gale from the North. He seems well but I think life must be dull to him. He seems to be looking forward to going out to Western in June and to Wyoming Co. to see his relatives. I do not like to have him go alone and hope I can go with him. At West Point Bram Stoker came on the train and we sat together and had a chat on various matters. Painted on my picture all afternoon and improved it. In the evening called on Mrs. Anderson and Miss Nesmith.

Tuesday 22. Spent an hour with my dentist Dr. Browne having a tooth filled. He wants to get one of my pictures and I am to paint one and take my pay in his professional services. Put a figure in my picture and painted on the foreground to advantage. Attended a meeting of the Art Union. Percy suggests a large Artists Club which I think might be an excellent idea. Mary, Calvert and I went to see Irving as Louis 11". It was a most interesting performance. I think him a great actor. We had two dollar seats in the balcony pretty well back but saw and heard very well. Bram Stoker whom I saw at the entrance wanted to get me seats but I would not allow him. Went to the club a little while after the play.

Wednesday 23. Called to see the exhibition of Juneas' pictures. He certainly is a man of ability but I think some of his earlier works extremely rich in color, are his best, in spite of the evident Roussean influence in them. Got ready to work late in the day. Had just began when Booth came. He spent half an hour with me. After that there was a succession of interruptions and at 2 I went up to the Academy to attend the voting on the Clark and the Hallgarten prizes. There were over 100 artists present. I did not vote except for the two first prizes as I feel I had not sufficiently studied the pictures. Read a letter from Mrs. Taylor from Cambridgeport wanting me to write something about the Sunday evenings at their house and to get it to her by Monday. I do not feel able to do it in that time for I shall have to look over my diary. Called at Jas. Warrens and spent the evening very pleasantly. Saw Fuller there with goggles on his eyes having got some steel fragments from the elevated road in them. Went to the Club a little while to look at Eastman Johnson's collection of studies which was most interesting

Thursday 24 Prof. Youneans[[?]] came to see me this morning to get the two studies he bought from my collection at the Century. He seemed out of breath when he reached my room, the effect of Pneumonia a year ago. He was in good spirits and talked with all his old time emphasis. He has lately had some glasses made which enable him to see far better than he ever did before and that is a great comfort to him. After he went I began to write some of my recollections for Mrs Taylor but I find my memory is not to be depended upon. At 2 o'clock seeing that one of the Greeley Arctic vessels the "Bear" was to sail I went over to the navy yard to see her but she left while I was walking from the bridge to the yard. I saw the Thelis which was taking in coal and covered under a cloud of 

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