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coal dust. Also the Alert which has just arrived from England. Got back to my room at 5. It had rained a little. I had a pleasant trip walking across the bridge and seeing all the sights at the Navy yard. Joe dined at Marys. Calvert and I went up to call upon Mrs Thurber but she was not in. I went to the club and met Pinchot there. Very soon Eastman and Phil came in. I had not seen Phil in a long time and was glad to see him looking so well.

Friday April 25" 1884. Mrs. Lacey from Washington called about half past ten. She was the wife of George Thompson and used to live in Rondout. We talked of Rondout people. Gussie and Gertrude came down to Marys today and were there when I went to dinner. Went to the club a little while after dinner. Recd an invitation from George DeForest Lord to dine with him on May 6" to meet Mr. Gordon.

Saturday 26. A pleasant Spring day. Went home by 3.40 train. The country looked charmingly back of the Palisades and I saw many things I would like to paint. Got home before it was fairly dark. Sade has a new upstairs servant girl, Sarah a sister of Winifred Cunniff who used to live with Gertrude and me in our little house

Sunday 27. Charming day. I went over to the Cemetery and removed the cases from dear Gertrudes headstone which I painted every winter. To think of her and Maurice and my mother sleeping there side by side! What a world of regretful thoughts their silent mounds brought to me. I staid but a short time as the horses were harnessed when I left and we were to take a ride. My father, Sara, Julia Vaux and I dine out on the Flatbush road where we gathered hepaticus and Sanguinaria. Went around by Charles Livingstons and home by Steep Rocks and the river road stopping at Steep Rocks to buy a fine fresh Shad. It was a lovely ride and the spirit of the springing life of all nature was in the air. In the afternoon I wrote as best I could, for Mrs. Taylor a recollection of Taylors Sunday evenings. I am afraid it will be disappointing to her but my memory is so poor that details are soon obscured in my mind.

Monday 28. It was not so pleasant this morning but I came to town in the 7.40 train. The sun came out brightly as we approached the city and a soft haze enveloped the landscape. I wish I could go home now and do the many things which need my attention there. I see so much to be done when I go up home that it almost discourages me with my limited means, but I try to resist discouragement and have succeeded pretty well up to this time. Spent the evening at Marys. Joe and Gussie were there. Went to the club a little while.

Tuesday 29. To the Academy for an hour to look at the pictures of candidates for the Art Union. Came to my senses and painted a little picture of Spring with apple blossoms for a wedding present to Julia. It is the view from our house looking down past Hussey Hill. Attended an Art Union meeting. The whole thing looks discouraging to me. The artists will not take the least interest in their own affairs. I secretly wish we could close it up. Spent the evening at Marys. Joe & Gussie dined there. They go to Rondout tomorrow.

Wednesday 30. Painted a little picture 12x20 from a study I made at Seconnet point. Dined at Eastman Johnsons. Phil is staying there. Is on a Court of inquiry at the Navy Yard. Made an appointment to go over there tomorrow to see the Thetis sail for the Arctic regions in search of Greeley.

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