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Thursday May 1, 1884. Went over to the Navy yard at noon according to appointment with Phil Johnson. I walked over the bridge which is always interesting. Met Commander Whitehead who showed me the court room where I was to meet Phil. We went immediately to the Thetis where a great many people had congregated and after going over her except the cabin where the officers were at lunch, Whitehead whom we met again took me to the Resolute and with her Commander, Coffin we went over her. They were taking in and storing provisions and refitting the ship. Then we went back to the Thetis where Eastman had arrived and Phil took us down into the cabin and introduced us to Commander Schley, and with Eastman we went again into the mens quarters. The signal was given to go ashore and we went over to the Tallapoosa which was to escort the Thetis down the bay. Phil had invited Eastman and me to go. She is the boat the Secretary uses whenever he wishes. He was on board, (a very inferior looking man I thought), Lincoln Secretary of War looking not a bit like his father but with a rather good face. Genl. Hancock, Commander Fillibroun, the Judge Advocate General of the Navy Col. Remy, the Paymaster General, Capt Merry (Commander of the Tallapoosa) Commodore English with a number of ladies and other naval and military celebrities. I have learned that a sister of Lieut. Clapp was on board. The Thetis hauled out a little after 2 amid great churning, blaring of whistles and firing of salutes and one steamer followed after. We went down to the entrance of the lower bay where we took leave of her the men climbing into the rigging and cheering. We had a lunch on our return and reached the Navy yard about 4 where the Secretary sent us all in a tug to the foot of East 23" St where we dispersed. It was a most interesting occasion and I think myself most fortunate to have been present. I saw Mayor Wickham on the dock before we left. Introduced myself to Genl. Hancock whom I had met at dinner and talked with him, was introduced to Secretary Chandler and to all of the naval officers. Got home late to dinner where I found Downing and Calvert were going to the Walking match at the Madison Square Garden and I went with them. Such a crowd! I was told there were 12000 people there. The air very foul and no chance to see. I did see the walkers who had already gone over 400 miles since Sunday night. They looked jaded and miserable I thought. I soon got enough of the foul air and the crowd and came to my room very tired and went to bed.

Friday 2. Painted on the little Seconnet picture and completed it. I call it By the sea and shall send that and my "Midsummer" to the Century for the monthly meeting on Saturday. Mr. Frothingham called. His speech is considerably affected I noticed. He was very talkative. Hubbard was here and I introduced him. He was charmed with him. Julia Dillon called towards evening. Went to the club and met Promptly whom I have not seen since I left him in St. Paul. He told me of his trip last year through the Marias Pass from the West. Said if we had succeeded in crossing the divide two years ago we probably would have perished wandering in the wilderness or in attempting to cross the swollen rivers. He was to start that night for a long journey.

[[clipping]] Sun  May 3"
Business Troubles.
The failure of Palmer, Batchelder & Co., jewellers and importers of watches, of Boston, is announced. The house was established in 1817, and for nearly half a century the firm name has remained unchanged. The present members of the house, Jacob P. Palmer and J. A. Leighton, have been connected with it for twenty-five and twenty years respectively. [[/clipping]]

Saturday 3. This notice I cut from the Sun this morning. I wonder whether this will affect Augustus Bachelder. I painted his little figures in the little picture of Spring I intend to give Julia for a wedding present. A disagreeable man attempted to bounce into my studio without knocking and rattled off a long 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-28 22:55:32 . John F. Merry of the U.S.S. Tallapoosa