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thing about getting me to write a biographical sketch of myself in order to make me known all over the world. I declined and he went away lamenting my modesty. The idea of an entire stranger coming to me in this way. Went home at 3.40. A lovely warm day but the country obscured with smoke Hussy Hill was on fire as the train passed. Found Gussie very feeble but up, in the parlor. Joe had gone after having had some trouble with Sara who has her hands full and who has too many responsibilities I think this has affected Gussie. Certainly she ought to be spared all such troubles.

Sunday May 4" 1884. The spring is full upon us, The cherry trees and the peaches and Japan quince are in blossom and the bees are humming among the blossoms. I mended the old celery glass which  anvil broke after having been in our family for fifty or more years. Mary had found most of the pieces although some are still missing. Then I went down to the barn and sheared Park taking off a great quantity of hair. After I had finished I took him down to McCauslands dock and gave him a good swim. Planted some nasturtiums in my mothers flower garden.

Monday 5. Sara wanted me to stay at home today to help her to move Tom down to his room in the Carriage house. I dressed for it and immediately after breakfast went down and cleaned out the room. Sara mopped it out and we soon had it ready to carry the furniture in. I took the double windows off the house and Tom and I put them snugly away in the carriage house. It rained a little and in the night we had quite a shower. In the afternoon I planted two rows of nasturtiums the whole length of the garden and some double holly hock seed to be transplanted. Gussie who was pretty bright yesterday had a bad night last night and was very feeble today. She sat out on the back porch in the sunshine in the afternoon and reminded me of my mother as she sat there a year ago. I am very anxious about her and Sara is. She seems very feeble to me and I am afraid her ailment is something serious. I came away in the 5.55 train Sara driving me up to the station. I did not get to my room until after half past 9. I went immediately to the church where I had some supper as I was very hungry and got so interested talking to Mr. Ford that I forgot to go in and see the collection of pictures. 

Tuesday 6. Awoke with a headache and feeling wretchedly the result of my late supper. It was with difficulty I went over to have breakfast and then could eat but little. I have to go to a dinner at Mr. George DeForest Lords this evening. It has rained hard all day. Sat in my chair in front of a fire and gradually grew better. Wrote to Alice and to Lucy who are now about all my correspondents where I used to have so many. Went to the dinner at Mr. Lords which was a very charming one. Mrs. Lord sat at the head of the table. Mr. Gordon on her right I next him then Mr. Day, Dr. Lambert, Mr. Watson Mr Lord at the end, Mr. Brown agent of the Cunnard line, Mr. Edward Lord, Mr. Parsons, Mr. Berman & Mr Gray. It was a very elaborate and elegant dinner and Mrs. Lord was very charming and chatty. Did not leave until nearly 11. Mr. Gordon invited me to dine with him at the Victoria on Wednesday 11. Gave him my photograph 

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