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[[newspaper clipping]]
SHUMWAY.-On Tuesday morning, the 6th inst.
Henry C. Shumway
Notice of funeral hereafter

SHUMWAY- On Tuesday, May 6, Henry C. Shumway, in the 77th year of his age.
Relatives and friends of the family, and the members of the Seventh Regiment, Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, and members of the National Academy of Design are requested to attend the funeral services at the Madison-Square Church, Madison-av., corner 24th-st. on Thurdsay, 8th inst., at 5 o'clock P.M. Please omit flowers.

New-York, May 6, 1884.
It is with the deepest regret that the commandar announces the death of our esteemed comrade, Brevet Col. H. C. SHUMWAY. He commanded Company H of the Seventh Regiment, N. G. S, N. Y., for nearly 30 years, and for the past 20 years has commanded Company H of this organization. To him more than to any man is the Seventh Regiment indebted for its high reputation in drill and discipline. He possessed to the fullest extent all those amiable and Christian qualities which make the gentleman and the soldier.
The members of this organization will assemble at the armory of the Seventy-first Regiment, 6th-av. and 35th-st., on Thursday afternoon at 4 o'clock, in citizens' dress, (corps badge, black gloves,) to proceed to the late residence of Col. Shumway and escort the remains to the Madison-Square Church, corner Madison-av. and 24th-st. Members of other Veteran organizations are requested to attend. By order.              L. W. WINCHESTER, Colonel. H. L. FREELAND. Adjutant.

The members of of Company H, Veterans of the Seventh Regiment, N. G. S. N. Y., are requested to meet at the Seventy-first Regiment Armory on Thursday, 8th inst., at 4 P. M. to attend the funeral services of our late commandant, Col. Henry C. SHUMWAY.

WM. E. PEARSON, Lieutenant, Commanding.
The members of this association are requested to attend the funeral of the late Brevet Col. H. C. SHUMWAY, of the Seventh Regiment, N. G. S. N. Y. The commandant regards this as a proper testimonial to the worth and memory of one whose life was devoted to making the Nation Guard of the State what it is to-day in character, drill, and discipline. Assembly and the armory Thursday, 4 P.M., in citizens dress. By order  C. W. DUSTIN,
Colonel Seventy-first Veteran Association.
C. W. STARR, Adjutant.

[[right margin]]Times May 7th[[/right margin]]
[[/newspaper clipping]]


Wednesday May 7th, 1884. It rained all day and there was an Easterly gale. I had the day all to myself. Painted a little on Julias wedding picture on my "October" and in the "Telling the Lies". attended a meeting of the Art Music Board of Control in the evening at the Academy. There were three or four resignations and we elected a number of new members. But the whole scheme looks unpromising to me and I wish I were well out of it.
Thursday 8th  Still raining. I went up to Warren and Fullers and selected the papers for the home. Was to have met Fuller there but he did not come. A note from Emma Brace asking me to come up there on Friday but I had to decline as I am going home tomorrow. Fuller came in just after I got back to my room and I arranged with him to send the men up to Rondout on Monday. There was a meeting of the Artists Mutual Aid Society at 4 in Woods room. Four new members were elected. Thos. Moran, J. F. Murphy, J. N. Champny and Henry Faner. After the meeting Hullurd and I went to attend Shumway's funeral. The Church was full, many of the 7th Regiment being present. The minister dwelt upon his military life but said not one word of his career as an artist. Spent the evening at Marys and finished Turgenieffs story Spring Floods a very powerful and interesting story. Sent notices to the newly elected members of the Artists Mutual Aid Society.

Friday 9. Went home by 9.30 a.m. train. Sara had telegraphed to me but I came away before it arrived. Found Gussie very ill. They have carried her into my room. We sent for Dr. Ingalls and he thought I had better telegraph to Joe which I did in these words "Gussie not so well. I think it a wise precaution for you to come on.  Dr. Ingalls said the action of her heart was very violent, and unless there was a change, which might occur, she could not live long. And my father, who had had a dizzy feeling in the morning, to Kingston and went to Valentine's to arrange for some flower plants for the cemetery.

Saturday 10th  Gussie seemingly better again this morning but very bad in the afternoon. Telegram from Joe that he would leave St. John Sunday evening. Next to the cemetery and arranged for planting next week. Fixed a gutter to the wood house.  Carried the furniture out of my mothers room to prepare for the painter and paper hanger and cleaned out the gutters on the house. A telegram from Fuller saying the men would come up to paper and paint on Monday by 8 a.m. train.

Sunday 11  Gussie had a good night and considerable sleep seems better this morning which I telegraphed to Joe and to Charlie Osman.  Cloudy and cool with slight rain.  Went down to Hibbards to inquire about Lily Burgess as we want to get a trained nurse for Gussie.  Fortunately she was there, came up last night.  She came up towards evening. Wrote Mr. Gordon and Mr. Lord that I feared I should not be able to keep my engagements to dine.  Wrote Mrs. Winter, To Lucy and Mr. Jervis for my father

Transcription Notes:
-------------- In the newspaper clipping, spanning across the lines "Head-quarters Veteran Association" and "Seventy-First Regiment, N. G. S. N. Y." is a curly brace. Unsure of its purpose. Noted this in brackets anyhow, but unsure if this is nessecary, or how to properly format such a thing. -------------- ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 11:34:21 "Spring Floods" by Ivan Turgenieff ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 13:30:36 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 15:50:04 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 17:23:08 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-27 07:40:52