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Sunday June 22. 1884. Received a letter from Sara at Thomas Mc Entees written yesterday. She and my father had a pleasant journey out there and were having a most satisfactory time. She was troubled fearing I would be lonely. There was also a very nice letter from Gertrude. I wrote a long letter to Lucy telling her that we meant to make an effort to sell the place and I also answered Gertrudes letter, and wrote a note to Fuller. Then I went down and dined with John + Nannie and staid there until 5 o clock having had a very pleasant time. Girard and Charlie took tea with me here. This evening I wrote to Weir and looking over my diary to find the little poem "In a Garret" I came across a description of Gertrude and me dining with Booth in his apartment in the theatre in 1870 and attending the play of Hamlet which I copied and mean to send to him. There were also notes of some of his conversation regarding the play which interested me, and I think this will be of interest to him. 
Monday 23. I picked a great quantity of cherries this forenoon and this afternoon had several boys at it. My profits from sales over the expenses of picking after tugging at a heavy ladder all day and ripping one of my shirts are $1.84. I wasn't educated for this twopenny trade and shall retire from the business. Finished my letter to Booth and told him I was going to try to sell the place. A letter from Mary in which she says she and Marion are coming up in the day boat Wednesday. Harry and Julia had had cards of congratulation from Edwin Booth and Miss Booth. 
Tuesday 24. I wrote to Eastman Johnson today. It has been very hot with a dry wind from the south, a forlorn kind of day with a sense of disaster in the air. After dinner I took Charlie and Girard and Park down to the Point and gave Park a good swim. Then we drove to the bathing place where I got a bath house and undressed the little fellows and let them go into the water. Came home and had some boys pick cherries for me for Mrs. Sol. Crispell who came here this morning and whom I have not seen for years. She said Sol. was out in Wayne Co. That Kate and young Sol. were on the old farm but it would have to be sold this fall. She is living in Hurley in a new house on the road leading to Lucas turnpike. They do not seem to get on together. Nannie invited Girard +  Mary to come down to tea and we had a pleasant companionable evening. A shower came up, but we got home while it held up. I had on my new suit which came from Rocks yesterday and low shoes but got home undamaged. A letter came from Lucy for Sara today. Now at 10 o clock it is raining again, very hot and close and the thunder muttering. John has a fine copy of Rogers "Italy" and "Pleasures of Memory with the Turner and Stoddard illustrations. As I looked them over I thought of our lovely Italian experience and of my dear Gertrude, and  all her intense enjoyment of it.
Wednesday 25. Had a lot of cherries picked for Mrs. Crispell which she did not come after. The little boys picked a bushel this afternoon some of which were sold but I did not get the money. The cherry business demands a different order of talent from mine to insure success. It began to rain after dinner and has settled into a North East storm. The rain is most welcome. Mary came by the day boat. I went down to meet her. She came over in the ferry boat with the visiting Knights Templars from Springfield. They marched to Kingston but it rained slightly. We're going to the Grand Hotel. A letter came from Lucy and from Major Wilkinson wanting me to go to [[?]] fishing with him but I replied I could not go.

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