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boat for home. I urged them to stay over night. They want Sara and me to come down Wednesday and make them a little visit when Mary who is there will come home with us. My father and Sara came home this evening having come from Utica to Kingston between half past three and 7 o'clock. They have had a satisfactory visit and my father looks well.

Tuesday, July 1" 1884
Sarah and I drove down to Aunt Anns after breakfast and made arrangements to bring Aunt Charlotte and Ellen up to spend the day. Then we went to the strand and did our errands and came up and got them and cousin Rachel and came home. We left cousin here and took my father in and drove to Kingston leaving him at the barbers while we drove about the town. Then we got him and came home. It was pretty hot but there was a brisk breeze. Aunt Charlotte and Ellen spent the day here and after tea I took them back to Aunt Anns. They are going to Newburgh tomorrow. We are going to Pokeepsie to visit the Wilkinsons and they will go on the Newburgh boat with us. I have been treating my [[pests?]] today and with success, but I am so disgusted and so totally at sea as to where I could have incurred this infliction.

Thursday 3. Sara and I went to Pokeepsie on the Eagle yeaterday. Aunt Charlotte and Ellen went with us and went on to Newburgh. Major Wilkinson met us with a carriage. It was fearfully hot but the trip down the river was most refreshing. Mary Gifford was there and Julia and the two boys. All the rest of the family were away. We came home today on the little boat bringing Mary with us and arrived here about 7. Found Downing and Mary here and Calvert came after we did, so that there is really very little quiet here, as Marion and Downing are going down to Esopus Island tomorrow at 7 to a canoe meet. I always dread the 4" of July and will be glad when it is over. I am worried and troubled and all this noise and confusion are most galling to me. At such times I would like to be far off in some secluded spot.

Friday 4. Went down to Johns where I saw Fred Norton and his nephew. He wanted me to go out on the 11.25 train to the B[[?]]water where Julia and her friends were to have a pic nic. John + Nannie were to drive out and they proposed that Calvert and I should come as none of the rest of us could well leave. Downing + Marion went to Esopus Island to a canoe race. Calvert did not care to go to the B[[?]]water and I went alone arriving there a little after 1. They were all there John, Nannie, Fred + his nephew, Julia Mrs Scott and five other ladies her pupils from High Falls. It was very pleasant with a cool breeze. We had our lunch and amused ourselves until about five oclock when it began to look like rain. The ladies were started off in the boats and had not fairly got off before it rained hard. Fred had to go ashore with his load as the boat was unmanageable. I who was to ride home with John + [[strikethrough]] Joe [[/strikethrough]] Nannie remained at the upper end of the lake went to his assistance. Julia was with him. Presently John came back with his boat in the rain and took them over the lake. They were wet to the skin. I remained and when the rain held up scrambled up the bank and waited for John who soon came and we drove home. I got my feet wet but was not otherwise very wet. I dont think I ever went there that it did not rain. I had a letter from Hiram [[Ronyen?]], one from Mrs. Ely on Art Union matters and a bill for my new suit.    

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 18:54:23 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 18:57:44 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-27 10:08:24 Esopus Island is near Rondout, NY. can't make out the place near a lake where they went and all got wet on Friday 4". Bsomethingwater. There's a Bridgewater nearby but the writing doesn't look like that's it.