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here at tea, John is to come tomorrow to breakfast at 5 oclock and we are to ride to Shokan where we will have a second breakfast as that is our last opportunity to get any thing until we reach the end of our trip. The Freemen this evening had the news of the rescue of the Greeley Arctic party, seven survived and seventeen had died. It is said that 48 hours later would have destroyed all of them. I look for details with great interest. 
Monday July 21" 1884. John McEntee and I drove to David Smiths on the Rondout Friday 18th We had breakfast here and left about half past 5 in the morning. We got a second breakfast at Shokan and drove up Nation Hollow and through the Notch. The road through the Notch is nothing but rocks for two miles and is about as bad as a road can be. At the lower end of the lake opposite Wards cabin a lady was sketching the lodge from the middle of the road. A gentleman seeing us come came down from the cabin and crossed over in a boat to assist her out of our way. It proved to be Ward who was greatly surprised to see me. He introduced the lady to me as Mrs. Wentworth. Immediately she wanted me to give her some hints about her picture which I found it difficult to do. However I gave her some suggestions. Ward wanted us to stop to lunch but we excused ourselves as we were anxious to get to Smiths early as we had never been there, and promised to stop on our return. We drove on down the valley which has changed but little since I was there last in 1876 and reached David Smiths about 3 o clock 8 miles from Wards cabin and two miles below the East branch at Sundown. Found it a very comfortable place and no visitors there. A club had [[drained?]] the stream and they made this their head=quarters. Mr. Smith was away from home superintending the building a club house at Balsam Lake. We had our dinner ^late and spent the afternoon fishing catching enough for dinner. Saturday we drove up to Sun down and sent the horse and wagon back by a man and fished the East branch short distance and the main stream back to Smiths catching 25 each mostly small ones. We had a thunder shower which we passed under the Sundown bridge and learned after getting back to Smiths that a cow and calf had been killed by lightning on the hill just above the house. Sunday we spent walking up along the stream to nearly a mile above Sundown. I liked it most up in that vicinity. We called at the house of W. S. Fuller and I asked him if he would take me to board for Augusts if I wanted to come which he and his wife were willing to do although I made no positive agreement, but am to write to them  We walked back by the road. Some people had arrived from Pokeepsie friends of the Smiths. We left there for home this morning at 7. Stopped to see Griswold and his wife and found her much better than we expected as we had heard she was ill. They knew us at once and seemed glad to see us. They had a nice looking young girl apparently to help them. We drove up to the lake. Ward met us and we went to the cabin where were Mr + Mrs + Miss D[[?]] and D[[?]]s brother besides Mr + Mrs Wentworth. Mr. W. having gone out some where. Ward showed us the cabin which is very comfortable, the Stable, ice house +c and took us up into the gorge of the Falls. He pressed us to stay to lunch but it was early and we were anxious to go on, so he opened a bottle of champagne and after a chat with the ladies his man drove our horse to the upper end of the lake while he and D[[?]] rowed us up in a boat. We parted there and we came on. Met a gentleman and a lady in a buggy a short distance from there and still further on a team. Had to unhitch our horse to get by. It was cold when we left this morning and the wind blew from the N.W. We drove to West Hurley where 

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