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Monday Aug. 11 1884. It rained in the night and has been a fine day. The papers are filled with an account of an earthquake shock [[?]] yesterday about two o clock all along the seabed as far as Delaware and [[clear?]] back with Pennsylvania. It was distinctly [[?]] had none of us here at the home noticed it. I leave [[?]] morning by the 7.40 [[?]] for [[?]] on my way to [[?]] at the Rondout at "Sundown". I always have a half melancholy feeling at going away from home and as go alone now and to a very secluded place. I cannot help feeling that I will be very lonely [[?]] I can employ myself all the time and have unusually fair weather. I had a letter from Mills the agent of the Studio Building today in which he tells me that a new building is to be added to the present one on the West side and that the passage which my room and bedroom is to be connected with a hall to [[?]] room apartments thus cutting off my bedroom from connection with any studio. I wrote him I was greatly disturbed by it and feared I should have to give up my room and perhaps my studio. [[?]] here about [[?]] days. When I

Thursday Aug. 21 I came home from the Head of the Rondout today, having been absent nine days. When I awoke early this morning, it was raining gently, but cleared before I had my breakfast at 6. The man "Yealey" came at 6:30 and we started I was to give him three dollars for him to take me to [[Shokam?]] but I told him if he got me there for the 11 oclock train I would pay him for his driver and a feed for his horses. We reached the cabin at the lake at 8.30 and found the [[Cadris?]] at breakfast to which they invited me but I declined as we were [[?]] to reach the train. Mrs. Wentworth was still on her picture of the cabin and how her easel was up in the road. She seemed quite disappointed and I was going away as she hoped to go sketching with me and hoped I would come out again which I told her I might do later. We drove on and reached [[Shokam]] at 10.30 and I found a train coming along at 10.48. I paid Yealey and gave him a dollar extra which seemed to please him and I came on in a few minutes with [[?]] train after having mailed a letter Mrs. Wentworth gave me. It was very hot but not so [[close?]] as it was coming through the gulf. Got to the Junction at 11.30, had my trunk sent down by [[Mister?]] and walked home. It was very hot. I was not unexpected. Sara and my father were here and Marion, but Mary had gone to New York to meet Laura and Joe and this afternoon a telegram came saying Mary + Laura would come up by [[?]] [[Powell?]]. They have arrived and Laura looks badly to me but Sara says she looks better than she expected It has been a very long day with a smoky, stifling atmosphere I have been putting away my things and getting 
settled again. What I am to do now I dont know. If I had some place in  mind I would feel better. They are glad to have me back again and my sketches seem to be admired and indeed they look better to me here. [[?]] did not come up and I do not know whether he intends to. 
Friday 22 Went down town to do some marketing and to get two gallons for whiskey for cherry [[?]] for Mary and me, Josephine having go her cherries yesterday. It was [[?]] had rum there. I saw [[?]] and went to his office to see about Turcks affair. He had several notes which Truck has and which if he has paid them all would reduce his indebtness to my father considerably. We went to the Rondet Branch to see if and of the notes renewals but could not find out. The transaction seems to be in confusion and my father does not

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