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and we are alone again. It has been an intensely hot day and this evening is very clear although a gentle rain is falling. The moon is full and last evening was most lovely. I do not want to go off the hill and think this as comfortable a place as there is in the world. I am feeling serene and happy, waiting for the cool autumn days when I shall dream of pictures. I can do nothing in such hot weather and have learned not to try to paint.
Sunday Sept. 7" 1884. We have passed another hot day and as it has been the third one I hope tomorrow may be cooler. A thunder storm passed north of us this afternoon and there is a cooler breeze tonight. We had little Girard and Charlie to dinner with us today. Charlie is a thoughtful little fellow and interested in being talked to. Girard is sturdy and matter-of-fact. I wrote to Alice, to Downing, to Bonyer and sent a check to Deere and Co. for my bill. My father seems to feel well and much stronger than last week. Sara and I sat all the evening on the front porch and talked of our dear ones who are gone, wondering if they are together and conscious of our love and regret for them. What a comfort Sara is to me and what a satisfaction that we can speak of our loved ones with the same sacred interest. I often try to think what this life would be were I entirely alone and feel myself blessed in all my losses that I am not alone.

Monday 8. Another warm day. Sara had a letter from Mary. The annex of their house had been on fire. There has been a large fire in Cleveland. I wrote to Mary a short letter. John and Nannie went out to Leggs Mill this forenoon to spend the day. After dinner Sara and I drove out there taking our tea with us. John and I fished but a thunder shower came up and we came ashore. Had no chance to take our tea and brought it home and ate it there. It is very warm and clear tonight.

Thursday 9". It must have been the very hottest day of the season. I have literally done nothing but try to keep cool. A telegram came from Eastman from N.Y. about 2 o'clock asking if I were at home to a caller as his way West. Announced "yes. Let me know when and where to meet you" When the 6 o'clock H.R. train was in sight the telegraph messenger brought me a dispatch from him, saying he would come in that train. Tom harnessed the horse and Girard who was here drove down and brought him up. He was glad enough to get up rom the city where he was nearly wasted. We sat on the front porch and talked until midnight.

Wednesday 10" Eastman and I have spent the day trying to keep cool. He has not felt very well and we have been very quiet. I had a letter from Calvert saying he would come up Saturday night on the Powell. I also had a letter from Mary this evening saying in spite of the heat nights were comfortable. This has been the sixth day of the heated term. We have had a little more breeze today I think but it has been very hot. Received a note from Mrs. Dimoch acknowledging the receipt of the hollyhock seeds I sent her at the lodge at the head of the Rondout.

Thursday 11" It was cloudy and cooler this morning but cleared up and was hot again. Eastman went to Syracuse by the 10 o'clock H.R. train feeling somewhat better than yesterday. Towards evening we had a violent thunder shower and it is cooler since. A cold wave is annnounced to arrive tomorrow. I am going to N.Y. in the morning train to see about my studio.

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