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Friday Oct. 3" 1884. I went to N.Y. Wednesday morning Oct. 1" It came off very warm before I reached there. Went directly to my studio and began putting away my things in view of the alterations, and worked in the dust and dirt until 6 o clock when I went over to Marys and dined with her and Laura who is staying there. Mary has her rooms mostly all settled after the painting and the changes, the dining room having been changed to what was her room. Bonyer came in and about 9 o clock we called on Julia and Harry who are staying at the Florence. Met Walter Mendelson there. After an hour there I went to my room. Next morning it was cooler and it rained during the day. Breakfasted at Marys and came back to my work and got pretty well through in the afternoon when Joe came in. He was in a depressed state but I tried to encourage him. He staid nearly two hours and I saw him again at Marys in the evening. He started for home last night. I went to a Trustees meeting at the Century where I met McDonough, Dr. Drisler, Nash, Collier, Oakley and Stedman. We had an important meeting. Acted upon John C. Eno's case and decided upon a note to Thompson asking for his resignation to be held by us for action in case we deemed it necessary to accept it. Poor [[?]] has been making himself odious again. Stedman spoke of Taylors life & letters a copy of which I found at my studio sent by Mrs. Taylor. I had read some of his and Mary Agnews letters and was struck by their sweet and touching character. Stedman said he thought there was nothing finer of the kind in literature and its Quaker form of expression added to their charm. This morning I completed my work as far as I could now. I may have to go down again. I breakfasted at Marys, had my lunch in my room and came home by the 4 o clock train. Found a very nice letter from Booth and one from Mary Gifford. Marion has finished her work for the Cornell Hose Co. and is going home tomorrow. It is raining and cool so that we had a fire in the dining room. Stedman told me the papers are noticing the Taylor life & letters most favorably and he considers it a most judicious work and gives Mrs. Taylor the highest praise. I have read only a little here and there but am eager to get at it. There are many of his letters to me in it in which he expresses himself most frankly as he always did to me.

Saturday 4". Marion went home to N.Y. this morning. She was to take her cat with her but he disappeared and she was going to wait for the 11 o'clock train but she found him at the last moment and my father drove her up to the station. We were sure she would be too late but she got there in ample time. A hot wind has been blowing from the South, not an agreeable day for me but on the contrary very disquieting. I am worried about our apple crop. Mr. Mason the grocer was here and I made a proposition to him to take all of them. He is to let me know Monday or Tuesday. All these business affairs trouble me and there seem to be a crop of them each day. After dinner Calvert and started to visit a point I have never yet reached on the Vly Mountain above the Wilbur road. We went around by the north of the cemetery and under the rail road to the mill in Wilbur where we crossed and went up quite a pleasant road and came out upon the hill which we followed a long distance getting pretty glimpses in all directions but the trees interfered with 

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