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hour or more. Afterwards he dressed himself and took dinner with us. He seemed very easily affected to tears. Dubois had been talking to him on Spiritualism telling him of some revelations by a medium in Kingston and I do not think it was wise on his part. He sat out of doors in the sunshine and thought he would go to ride with us but later concluded he had better not as the air was cool. Sara, Janette, Emily and I went around the river road home by the Alms house and through Kingston. I think my father seems stronger but I have a wretchedly unhappy and anxious feeling as of disaster in the air and really thoroughly enjoy nothing because I cannot put down my forebodings. There seem hopeless number of things to attend to, and I feel my legitimate work so slipping beyond me that I begin to be frightened thinking what we shall do for means of living very soon. I feel as Taylor said he did that I can only work well inspired by necessity and when I am driven I am distracted. In our ride today we saw very little Autumn color. I never remember it to have delayed so long. It is very remarkable.

Saturday Oct. 11" 1884. Received a letter from Calvert anxious about my father and offering his or Marys services if needed and full of interest for Sara and me. Sara, Janette, Emily and I walked over to the cemetery. It is warm and a South wind has blown all day. I helped my father dress and he came down to dinner. He is very feeble and weak. He said he would like to take a ride, so I harnessed the horse and got him in the wagon. Said he would like to go to the cemetery. We drove over there to our lot and by Uncle Charles. I think he felt that it would not be long before he too would be there at rest. At his request I drove up back of OReilly's and came out on Union Av. at the City Hall then up to Albany Avenue and out to the Alms house. He said but little but made an occasional remark, as for instance that it was a fine view from the Alms House. Thought he would not tire to go out on the Flatbush road and home by the Roatina. When we got to North Rondout he said he began to be tired. Got him out of the wagon with some difficulty when we reached home. He seemed very feeble. Laid down for a little while but soon got up and said he felt no ill effect from his ride. When I got home I found little Girard and Charlie had been letting the water run in the Stable. I called them in there, showed them what they had done and stuck both their heads in the water, spanked them a little and sent them home pretty thoroughly impressed. I undressed my father and put him in bed. He is very feeble indeed and I am greatly troubled about him and full of anxieties. We sat in the parlor Janette, Emily and I and talked on Spiritualism, but I am not able to find much comfort there. Still they are a great satisfaction to us and we are glad to have them here. I only hope they enjoy being here as they seem to.

Sunday 12" We expected to drive to High Falls today that Janette and Emily might see Julia Dillon but it began to rain after breakfast and we had quite a hard shower and the weather has been unsettled ever since. My father seems a little stronger today. I dressed him during the forenoon and he has been about all day. He cannot control his voice at times and when he attempts to relate any thing talks in a hystericy manner. Still I think he seems a little stronger and if he would make a little effort would improve. I have written to Booth and to Mary. Janette and Emily are a great comfort to us from their serenity, intelligence and sympathy. The weather is about like summer. I feel half dazed and full of anxiety. Sara wrote to Oscar today asking him not to come now that my father is ill.

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-26 14:15:20 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-01 22:43:22 Booth he refers to is the brother of John Wilkes Booth.