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evening he brought me Griffiths & Kerrs check for $678.26. so the thing is at last ended. Gerard is in money difficulty again and today asked me to endorse his note for $500 which I hesitate to do but shall think of it. I have no right to as I need all my credit for our own purposes. We have had windows and doors open all day and the temperature was like summer. A cold wave and a storm is predicted. My father has been out of doors most of the day and gains steadily. I had a letter from Mary and Sara had one from Janette and Emily. Tonight came a letter from Joe Tomkins reviewing the disagreeable business and wanting copies of the two letters he wrote Sara. I shall tell him I consider it hurried and ill timed to stir this matter up again. My father wanted me to write to Mr. Jervis

Wednesday Oct. 22. 1884. I worked a little in my studio this afternoon. It has been so warm that with the hall stove lighted we have had the doors and windows open most of the day. Julia Dillon was here at ten and stays here tonight. It is raining and there is every prospect of a long storm. I hoped to have got the carriage house roof on before it came. The man came tonight in the rain with the new parts of the kitchen stove which is all right now. I was so glad I gave him a liberal tip. My father seems as well as usual. I sent the Griffith and Kerr check to the bank of the Metropolis today. I wrote to Joe last night telling him I would not trouble Sara with the contents of his letter and advising him as I did before to drop this annoying subject. I was very firm in my letter but I tried to say what I had to say kindly. I had a letter from Fred Sawyers wife apologizing for not having let us hear from them since my mothers death.
Thursday 23". Have been painting all day in my studio, but do not get on as well as I could wish. Am painting a picture 15x18 from one of my studies of this fall.  The autumn color is fine now but I have not been off the hill. Gertrude's tree is rapidly changing to its splendid yellow. I am not in the mood for producing, there are so many anxious things in my mind. My father seems to get stronger but he does not like us to say he is infirming. He seems not to want to recover and keeps saying he wants to die. I think he is lonely and dull as we are so quick here and he can do nothing to occupy his mind. He still wishes me to help him dress and undress  although today he went down to the new shed and got a great piece of board and split it up for kindling wood. I have a constant apprehensive dread if I know not what and cannot get into a quiet frame of mind. This is fatal to an artist . I must and do try to over come it. I should feel easier if I thought Gerard was getting on but he seemed to me to be getting hopelessly involved. He seems to have no prudence and no forsight.
Friday 24" The carpenters  came to shingle the carriage house today and have it half done tonight. I took a walk over towards the tunnel and home back of OReillys. It has been a fine autumn day and the color is rich but not so gorgeous as I have seen it. I received a letter from Lucy this evening. She had not yet heard of my fathers illness. Her letter was dated the 17". There is a Democratic procession this evening with great howling and beating of drums. Either a Blaine or Cleveland parade almost every night. I take no interest in either candidate and do not think I shall vote for either one, because both are unfit men in my opinion.
Saturday 25" It has been cold and windy. We put down the sitting room carpet and got the room in order, put up a coal stove in my fathers room and got a coal stove from my house for the spare rooms up stairs. I am tired and my hands are sore and stiff.  The men finished shingling the carriage house before 5 OClock. Sara went to Nannies to tea. My room is cold as I have not yet started my stove. Returning from my walk yesterday I came through the

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