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a cigar and Calvert has just gone home. A messenger brought me an invitation from Mrs. Bishop Putnam to dine with them on Wednesday evening next, which I have accepted. Moschelles was at the club last night come over again to fill his purse. From all I hear he is a schemer. Ernest Parton said he never heard of him until he came here and that he is utterly unknown in London

Monday Dec. 29" 1884. The weather is most depressing. Fog and gloom. Girard came down last night and staid at Mary's and was going back again this forenoon. I have painted all day on my snowy picture and am interested in it. Robbins came in and made an apology for leaving my name off the trustees ticket of the Century but I told him I was quite satisfied. Wilmont does not send for my winter picture and I fear that chance is going to fail me. A letter from Charlie Osman telling me that he is getting the braid made and will send it to me in about a fortnight. Went to the club and talked with Perry & Bradford. Satterlee asked us to come to the Twelfth Night festival in costume but I have no heart for masquerading. Had a letter from Miss Nesmith. She is back with the Andersons and they are to remain there.

Tuesday 30. The weather still most dismal. Went to the American Art Gallery to see the exhibition of sketches and Vedders illustrations for the Rubayat of Omer Kayyam [[Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam]]. I think the latter marvels of fancy and imagination and they certainly stamp him as a man of great originality and of most poetic feeling. There was a very beautiful snow study by Mr Bliss Baker in a pine wood. I came to my room and worked on my snow picture going all over it with lighter and cooler color and I think it vastly improved. Mary came in and was much struck by it. She thought most [[?]] are interesting. I have introduced lights in the Church windows as I saw it on Christmas eve and think I will call it "Christmas eve."

Wednesday 31. Came to my studio and worked on my picture. Am not going home today. Shattuck came to see my picture. Said he liked it but feared it would not be popular and would have only a local interest. Wood also saw it and liked it as did Hubbard. I have a feeling it needs more cool color - is rather warm for winter. Shall not do much more to it until after I have been home and had another look at it. Dined up at Bishop Putnams with Mr & Mrs. Smith, Mr & Mrs [[left blank]] Mr Truax and Amy Putnam and a Miss Monroe, Herbert Putnams fianceƩ. Mrs. Putnam is very charming and the dinner very pleasant. The house is a tiny one. I walked home (from 45" St) a damp sloppy night. The weather has been most dismal all this week. It was so warm in my room that with my stove all shut off I slept with my window open and only a sheet over me most of the night, what little I did sleep, which seemed not much. So ends this troublous year. It [[strikethrough]] finds [[/strikethrough]] leaves me full of anxieties and I fear, with less of courage to face some of the difficulties of life. I grow more and more timid and less inclined to meet people - want only the society of the closest friends and disinclined to seek any other.

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