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new apartment in 18" St the Randolph. She told me Oscar is here in town and has been ever since he left Portsmouth. Alices ideas of life are rather amusing to me. She is an excellent woman with many conventional notions. Around at the club a little while. 

Saturday Jan. 3 1885. Still very cold but moderating a little. It is strange how much more cheerful and hopeful I feel this cold weather. Mary went to see Bessie yesterday and found her most comfortably treated with a nice quiet nurse to take care of her. Not much change will take place before Sunday the nurse said. I do hope she will get on. Mrs Warren and Fuller came to see my picture. She seemed to like it but I couldn't tell. Fuller staid a while. He likes it very much and said if she didnt take it he had a notion to, but dear me, I hope some one will like it during the next week for next Saturday is the last day for our taxes. Vanderlip was in. I spoke to him about insurance. He will insure me in the Continental for $10 000. to date from today for a picture so I am relieved on that point. Bowyer came in and Miss Tremper also to bring over a parcel from Julia for Sara.  

Monday 5" Went home Saturday. Snug winter weather but the snow all gone. Found Sara Tom McEntees wife there and was very glad to see her. She came Friday. Looked much older to me. Sunday I walked down to Poukhockie to see Bessies friends and to give her niece a requested letter. They seemed to feel badly about Bessies illness. I promised to write them her condition. Stopped on my way up at John McEntees. Esther and Mamie were there. John came up to call on Sara in the evening. Our cider had come for John and me, all in one barrel and he had been drawing it off. Came down this morning and got here at noon. Went to work on a large painting I painted, in 1877 and repainted it with a twilight sky. I dined with Fuller this evening at the Hotel Royal restaurant. I met him at the Union League club. It was a wet disagreeable evening. After dinner we went to his rooms near by and smoked a cigar and looked at his pictures. His rooms are very pretty. I staid until nearly midnight. When I came to my room it was raining hard. I supped at Marys on my way up to meet Fuller. She had been to see Bessie who was better.

Tuesday 6" I had a headache when I went to bed and awake late this morning. It was raining and has been about as dismal a day as one could well imagine. I have painted all day on my Winter which I took up yesterday. I hope it is good. It seems so to me but I feel a little discouraged today as I always do such weather. Bowyer came in a little while. I called to see Beard. Attended the Twelfth Night Festival at the Century. There was a large attendance and every one seemed to enjoy it. I staid until 1 o'clk A number came in costume but the majority wore scarfs and paper caps furnished by the club. Hopkinson Smith was very funny as "Kyurnel Kyaster" and excellently got up. There was a little fun in the big room at a so called "business meeting" a supper with plenty of champagne and songs and story telling in the gallery. The exhibition of burlesque pictures was a marked feature. 

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