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Monday 7. At work on my winter sunset in the mountains refining and improving the sky. Marion came over to see her picture she is to give to Miss Warner. She seemed greatly struck with my winter. On the other hand Gill came in to get a picture for Springfield and did not notice it. I am to let him have my October 20x24 nett price $350. Catalogue price 450. I hate this way of doing business and told him so, but one is obliged to do what others do to a certain extent. 

Thursday, Jan. 8, 1885. Painted and improved the foreground of my Winter. Hubbard saw the picture and was favorably impressed by it. How much of our satisfaction comes from the appreciation of others. I did not work steadily all day. I wrote to Girard and sent a check for my fathers and Calverts taxes. My own will have to wait. I am obliged to let my new credit suffer in taking care of that of others. Attended our last meeting of the present board of trustees. I have been on the board since 1875. Collins, Marbury, Swift, Oakley and I retire. We recognize the Newton interest in it. Let them see if they will get a more attentive board. Eastman and I walked over together.  Ehringer has a grievance against him and was rude to him on Twelfth Night and he said that and one or two other disagreeable things rather spoiled his evening. I wrote to Janette Hubbard. 

Friday 9. Went to see the Artists Fund Collection. The best thing there was a lovely head by Dielman. From there to Union Adams and bought a lot of shirts, underclothes etc. on Van Derlips account

Friday 9". I took up a picture of the Humboldt Valley with the same effect of sky as my winter picture which I began last year and failed on and in a short time I succeeded in making an interesting picture of it. I find I come back to some of my failures with fresh enthusiasm. I have been doing this almost entirely so far this winter and find my profit in it. Went up to the Union League club and saw the pictures, mostly foreign work. There was a charming Millet and Wadsworth Thompson had a fine picture of the Sleepy Hollow church. From there I walked down to the Century. Mackey was at the supper table and in a talkative mood. His conversation was most witty and interesting. He could write a most interesting book.

Saturday 10. Painted on the sky of my winter changing it somewhat. Attended the annual meeting of the Century. Sent my picture of the brook at Kellys Corners and a little "Snow." The larger picture disappointed me somewhat though perhaps unnecessarily. I don't think it attracted much attention. There was considerable interest in the election on account of the changes in the ticket and although only about 200 votes were cast they did not get through canvassing until midnight showing that there was much scratching. The regular ticket was elected. We who go off feel rebuked by the partisans of Newton. I was perfectly ready to go off but I did not like this way of going out. I came to my room considerably discouraged and unhappy. One works and works conscientiously and it don't seem to produce much effect. 

Sunday 11. Had my breakfast in my room and took the 10 o'clock 

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