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difficult position in which they are placed. I cannot hear these family discords and have done my best to avoid stress but Joe is so persistent and so unwise that it is almost impossible to get on with him and now he causes his children the greatest unhappiness just because he has no patience and no discretion. I have said nothing to my father about it as I did not wish to add to his troubles. He is feeling pretty well and I try to avoid anything which will sadden him. Mary and her children came over. We had the three little boys at dinner. I walked up to the station at 4 o clock to find out about the change of timetable, and called to see Edward Gretchens about his father who has had a stroke of paralysis. Tom and I worked at the drain from the cellar to try to run off the water which ran in with the last rain. This is a great trouble to us

Monday 19 Jan. 1885. Cold this morning. Came down in the 8 o clock train which was half an hour late. Another set of my anxieties meets me here. My October went to Gills exhibition. Fuller called while I was trying to make a sketch of a snow effect I saw in which I have completely failed. I fear from what he said Warren will not take the picture and my last hope of a little money seems gone. I feel in the greatest distress and anxiety for my money is nearly all gone and the expenses go on. But I shall try to keep at work. Miss Teale and her friend called. I showed Fuller my Winter. I am afraid it will not be a popular picture - indeed I do not know what is popular. I only know that I seem to have a lot of pictures that no one wants. Went up to call on Miss Nesmith in the evening but she and Mrs. Anderson had gone out. Saw Mr. Anderson and their little daughter. Came down to the club and smoked my cigar and read an article on Genl. Montgomery in the February Harper. Talked with Collins who seems to feel about as discouraged as I do. A complication has arisen about our going up to Dobbs Ferry and I have given it up for the present

Tuesday 20" I awoke with that awful feeling of half fright and discouragement which seems to bring the day to me in times of depression. My head feels badly and has all day. Still I have begun another picture from one of my last fall sketches. I hope I can get interested in it but it is doubtful. I am greatly depressed. Booth began his engagement last night, and there was a most friendly notice of his Iago in the Times this morning. Spent the evening at Marys

Wednesday 21". Awoke with the same discouraged feeling. I thought of the labor it would be to get our house ready to rent as we have thought of doing and of getting settled in my little house. Suddenly it occurred to me that if I could get say four pupils for the months of June, July and August at $100 a month including their board it would not be necessary to rent the house. I spoke to Calvert and Mary about it at breakfast and they thought it an excellent idea. I overtook Satterlee in the street. He has pupils and I wanted to know how to proceed. He thinks I will have no difficulty and advises me to advertise in May in the Art Interchange. I have been hard at work all day on the picture I began yesterday. My retested picture came from the Boston Art Club today. Julia Donaldson came down from Rondout todsy and came to see me. She 

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