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than six years of absence with an intensity which time does not abate. I think of her every day of my life and speak her beloved name again and again in my constant thoughts of her. I worked most of the day but I always intend to consecrate this day to thoughts of her whom I so tenderly loved. I dined with Julia Dillon to meet Mr & Mrs. Akers. He is a brother of Paul Akers the sculptor who died more than 20 years ago. I found them very agreeable people. He works in crayon, mostly from photographs. They live in the Morell building some thing as Gertrude and I used to live here. I spent a very pleasant evening, able to get away from my own private discouragements for a time. But they all come back to me when I am alone so that I actually dread to be alone.

Friday Jan 30" 1885. Caislean came in to see my pictures and gave me some valuable hints. He said he had heard encomiums of my Twilight. In the afternoon I took out my "Cliff" picture which I began a year ago and after studying it a while I had an inspiration and went at it in a phrensy [[frenzy]] and in a short time I transformed it and made it larger and nobler in idea. I painted in a great advancing storm cloud and a stretch of sunny plain melting off into the sky and if I am not mistaken I have done one of the best things I ever did - still tomorrow when I see it soberly I may feel differently as I so often do. I went to the Water Color opening in the evening with Calvert and Mr. Radford and had a satisfactory evening. The collection strikes me very favorably.

Saturday 31. My picture looks finely to me today and I went at it again repairing and touching here and there. While I was at work on it Eastman came in - said he had come down on purpose to see me. He was much struck with the picture and said I had never done any thing finer. This encouraged me greatly. He says I will be sure to sell it. Showed him all my pictures. He also liked the Twilight and thinks I am doing excellent work. He stayed a long time and we had a good old fashioned talk. Mary came over and I showed her all my pictures and she too was most encouraging in the way they impressed her. Went home by 4 o clock train as usual. Excellent sleighing up there and cold enough to be agreeable. My father looking and feeling well. 

Sunday Feb. 1" 1885. 
Snowing when I awoke and continued to until noon. After dinner I drove my father out as he was anxious to go and the temperature was genial. We went down to the Point, up the river road, around by Livingstons and home through the Flat-bush woods by the Alms house. We had a delightful drive and we both enjoyed it greatly. When we were coming home however the wind came out of the north cold and fierce and blew the newly fallen snow in a most lively manner. I began to feel cold and was very anxious about my father. However he was well wrapped up and we reached home before he got cold. He was not at all fatigued and did not even lie down after his ride so he seems quite strong and well. Sara had had a letter from Janette in which she said Joe had written for permission to go out there to have a "talk" with her but she had answered that she was aware of the subject he wished to discuss and she declined to discuss any subject which would imperil her relations with Gussies people, but that she would like to see him and Gertrude during the summer. Sara and I sat late and talked over our affairs. I wrote to Alice. It was very cold during the night. 

Monday 2. Came down to N.Y. this morning. It was very cold and my fire at home nearly went out. Found my stove door in my studio open and the room full of coal gas. I painted on the sky of my twilight and improved it. Geo. Butter who has taken Henrys studio came in and expressed himself quite enthusiastically about my picture. Spent the evening mostly at Marys. Called on Julia and and went around to the club a little while 

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