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I spent the evening with Mr. & Mrs. Anderson and Miss Nesmith. They always seem pleased to see me and I feel at home with them. Mrs. Anderson sang one or two of Abt's songs which my dear Gertrude used to sing.

Wednesday 11" Bitterly cold. Fuller & Mrs Warren came and looked at my pictures. I dont know what the result will be but Fuller said they would talk it over and make some arrangement. Rev. Mr. Donald called, also a lady from Davenport, Iowa to see about instruction in painting. She was a woman as old as I am, but she wanted to work here. I told her of my plan of taking four or five pupils at my home. Wrote to Sara and received from Alice a photograph of her "Tommy" now two and a quarter  years old and yet I have never seen him - Spent the evening at Marys with little inclination to go out. The weather has moderated. 

Thursday 12" March. 1885. A surly, cheeky man in check pantaloons and an overcoat trimmed with shabby fur called me to get me to allow him to write me up at a "dime a word" as he put it. What an enterprise! fitted for only just such fellows. His impudence and assurance stamped him as the last man I would care to have write about me. I remember he came once before and I gave him the cold shoulder, but such chaps are not easily abashed or discouraged. Fuller came and bought my picture of Woods for $1000 conditionally. If the bill of paper hanging is to be applied. If he pays me the cash he is to have it for $800 and I am to frame it. He hopes to induce Warren to get something from me. He is to pay me $400 or $500 down and the balance later, but I am ready to accept any terms. He is very kind and friendly and really likes my pictures. He asked me to let him send down his two pictures, the "Yellow Woods" and the "Clearing Up" for some little improvements he suggests. I told him I would cheerfully do anything I thought would improve them. They came this afternoon. I am surprised to see what a fine picture the "Clearing Up" is. The other looks as it always did to me but the Clearing looks much better. My two pictures went to the Academy today "Winter - Sundown" and "Christmas Eve" looking down on the town from my window at home. I feel a great relief at having made this sale for it makes an immense difference with me. Called on Miss Teale and Miss Monahan. Julia Dillon told me Miss Teale was delighted that I was going to take pupils at my home and that she wanted to be one of them. She said nothing to me about it however and after I told her of my plan said nothing to indicate she would like to avail herself of the opportunity. I fear it is not going to be easy to get pupils and I hope I can get along without them. From there I went to Eastman Johnsons but there was no one at home - Then to call on Mrs.  Stedman but there was no one at home there except Arthur. The wind was from the North and it had grown very cold and it was any thing but pleasant to be in the streets. I went to the club and after a while Calvert walked over to the Studio building with me but did not come in.

Friday 13. Bitterly cold, one of the coldest days of the winter. Dr. [[Norman?]] connected with the Vanderbilt College at Nashville called to select pictures for a brief exhibition there. He seemed very sanguine he will sell a number of pictures, but he is new at the business. I let him have the "Mt. Katahdin" and "Over the Hills." He was very talkative and very enthusiastic and has the faculty of half securing you to his own crude enthusiasms. He seemed to me an honest person but not one whose ideas of art go very deep. Spent the evening at Marys and went to

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