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the club where Dr. Smith, Stoddard and I talked on heredity. Stoddard seems to think all the arts are more frequently inherited than Poetry, and was very interesting in what he said of the poets and their children.


Saturday March 14" 1885. Painted on Fullers two pictures which he sent me to look over and went home by 4 o'clock train. Tom met me with a wagon as the sleighing in the town is all gone while it is still good in the country. I thought my father looking better and his voice was stronger and he did not seem so depressed. Found Nannie and her sister Joanna and Girard and Mary there. They had been there at dinner and had supper with me and spent the evening. It is still fair winter weather

Sunday 15" It snowed today a little. I mended the china toilette set which was broken by freezing sat and with my father. He says his hip does not pain him but is very weak and he can only hobble about on crutches a little. Towards evening called on John & Nannie. Mr. Willis is still suffering. I inquired about him. Sara and talked of Gertrude and Maurice, Gussie and my Mother and of what a comfort and companion Gertrude would be to her now if she were still there. I wish I could go home every day for it must be most lonely for Sara and my father. All the time I am there I think of dear Gertrude and the silent house is full of the memories of those who are with us no more. 

Monday 16"  Tom has his hot bed ready and means to plant there today as it is bright and sunny and thawing. I came away by the noon train. Am to go home Saturday morning as Saturday will be my fathers 85th birth day and I hope Mary will go up with me and perhaps Calvert. Downing also said he would go up. The river is still frozen clear down to Harristown, but there are openings through the Highlands and at West Point they had opened a channel across for a small boat. The sunny day has run into grey since I reached town. Calvert and went up to Columbia College to hear Capt. Dutton lecture on "Volcanic Phenomena". The lecture was very interesting but I was so sleepy I could hardly keep my eyes open, and I noticed several others in the same state. It snowed hard when we went up. We walked down to the club. 

Tuesday 17".  Bitterly cold this morning. I left my window open wider than usual last night and shut off my stove and I awoke early feeling cold. I think it has been one of the very cold mornings of the winter. Have painted on Mr Stu[[?]]es' picture, which he sent to me to do one or two trifling things to and I have also worked on Fullers pictures. This afternoon I painted on a picture I began some time since painting in a new sky. Kurtz came for the drawing of my Academy picture for his Academy notes. Downing was at dinner and he, Calvert and I went up to Columbia College where Prof. Ware showed upon a screen some fine photographs of Egyptian ruins. Afterwards we went to the club.

Wednesday 18"  Wrote to Sara that Calvert, Mary and I would go up on Saturday afternoon. Painted on my picture and have got it in condition so that I think I will make a picture fine in color. Stopped in to see Cropseys pictures at Ortgies', which he is going to sell at auction. Some of them were very interesting. His touch is remarkably crisp and excellent but he is apt to be florid in color. Julia Dillon and I called at the Akers and found there again Mr & Mrs Farrington who are to sail for England tomorrow. There were also a Mr & Mrs. Frothingham and a musician whose name I did not catch and who played for us.

Thursday 19"  We still have wintry weather and today it snowed and cleared off still colder. Fuller came in bringing a sunrise on the 

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