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rule the American pictures have done well. I understand the sale was more satisfactory this evening. I wrote a note to W. J. Stillman calling his attention to the discrimination in hanging and in other respects against the American pictures. I feel a little discouraged tonight with perhaps no especial reason. I can't help reflecting how a little stimulus in the way of interest in my work urges me to effort and how utterly depressing is the lack of it.

Thursday, Apl. 2, 1885. Painted on a small picture most of the day. Mr. Vint of Albany came to see me about sending a picture to his gallery. Speaking of paints and engravings I told him I had a number and showed him the engravings I bought which once belonged to Vanderlyn. I tried to get him to say what they were worth and he finally said from $150 to $200. I think I will sell them to him for I feel ready to sell any thing and at almost any price. Fuller thought he would get Warren to come and look at my pictures but they have not come and I am afraid Warren does not care for any thing of mine. Gray Snuller's picture sold at the Surrey sale for over $400 more than he gave him for it while Eastman Johnsons sold for much less. Still I think on the whole the American pictures did better than they were expected to. I spent the evening at Marys reading John Fiskes "Manifest Destiny" which is most able, interesting and encouraging.  

Friday 3" A decidedly spring like day. Went to the dentists who discovered a serious hidden decay in one of my teeth and since he worked at it it has troubled me greatly. Varnishing day at the Academy. Went there from the dentists. I think it an interesting exhibition. Inness' sunset hangs in the place of honor in the big room. I do not like it although several artists have spoken in great admiration of it. My "Sundown - Winter" is in the South room on the South wall in an excellent place and looked as well as it did in my studio. My remaining picture "Christmas Eve" is in the North room on the North wall and is seen from the head of the stairs. I am entirely satisfied so far as position goes. Eastman Johnsons fine portrait of Ercuts[[?]] is in the centre at the West end of the South room. My tooth began to trouble me during the afternoon. I spent the evening at Marys reading Mrs. Austins book and left a little after 10 for my room with my tooth very painful and giving signs of ulceration at the root.  

Saturday 4" I slept very little last night and my half waking dreams were filled with Indian encounters and wild adventures in the frontier from the reading of Mrs. Carters most interesting book. The trouble in my tooth culminated this morning and after breakfast I went up to the dentists and he treated it. I bought the Tribune. There was an extended notice of the Academy and almost everyone was mentioned, as usual, except me. I cant understand why this is always so. It is raining and a most disagreeable day. I went home by 4 o'clock train. The rain had ceased. Tom Evans was on the train and sat with me. He was going up to Howard Clapps wedding. There was an earth slide on the track near Tappan which delayed the train so that we arrived in Kingston nearly an hour late. My father had returned but Sara told me he was about as usual.

Sunday 5" My father did not get up until late. Sara was busy up stairs and I was alone down in the sitting room. O the sadness 

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