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lived in Rondout and the Autumn Twilight to a Banker who very commonly it seems to me wants ninety days time to pay for it in. I cant help feeling a little suspicious as I do not know the parties who sold them (Hanna & Ives).

Tuesday April 21" 1885. Called up to see Mr. Dunlap about the hats but he was not in. Went down town and bought some garden seeds which are to be sent home tomorrow. Mr. Akers called. An English woman with her daughters called and related a tale of distress and now I have more work on my hands to see if I cannot get some one interested in them. I feel very sorry for them and wish I could help them. Painted on my little brook picture 15 x 18. and forwarded it. Spent the evening at Marys reading in Custers Life on the Plains which Mrs. Custer sent in to me.

Wednesday 22" Called to see Mr. Dunlap about the birch bark hats. He had several made up but they did not satisfy me nor him either. He is going to make one less stiff & formal more neglige'. He is going to put them in his window in both stores and see if the public will care for them. He seems still inclined to test them fully. I went from there up to the Windsor Hotel and saw the book keeper about Mrs. Leach who called here yesterday. He does not know her but knew her husband and thinks her an entirely deserving woman. I called at the Muny Hill Hotel also to see the Steward Mr. Murray who knew them but could not see him. It is very warm today and I have been uncomfortable in my studio. Found Eastman's name on my slate when I returned, asking me to dine with him which I did.  He and I attended the "Conversation" at the Academy. There were a great many artists there, among them many of the younger men and great good feeling seemed to prevail. Dr. Joslin died two or three days ago.

Thursday 23" Called to see Mrs. Lewis about Mrs. Leach's case. Had a long talk with her when she referred me to the Charity organization Society in 4" Av. Went there and had an interview with Miss Scott who had the case on record and said she would send to the agent for that district who would let me know what had been ascertained. He came here this afternoon and gave me all the information he had gathered. He thinks there is no doubt that the case is a genuine one but it is at present a question whether it would be best to bring her husband & sons back to the city. They have written to Riverside Cal. to find out how they are situated there and if it is thought well to bring them back, will assist her to do so. I went to see Mrs. Leach as I had promised at her room in 4" Avenue No. 272. It was a wretched place at the top of the house up a steep, dark stairway. The little girl was present. I told her I was doing what I could for her but was not prepared to give her any money today. Have been painting on my little picture but feel somewhat melancholy and depressed, and have thought sadly all day of my relations with Booth. I saw a portrait of Edwina at Eastmans yesterday. She told them she is to be married next month and is to live with her father in Boston. They (Booth and Edwina) were at Eastmans studio on Monday. It seemed strange to me that I know nothing of Booth who was once so confidential with me, and thinking how our intercourse has been interfered with from no fault of mine is a very unhappy revelation. But I shall try to be patient trusting to time to prove to him 

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