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sisters also sang several times as well as the Amphions, a local society led by Mr. Budington. It was very much enjoyed by a full house.

Wednesday, May 6" 1885. Came down to N.Y. by the morning train which was an hour late bringing with me Clarence McKibbin, George McKibbins son who has been visiting at Mrs. Jansen Andersons. The weather is still cold and raw. Mrs. Lacy called. She had her pocket book stolen at the Brooklyn ferry on Monday, with its contents, twenty eight dollars, a great loss to her who has to earn her money, I should think. I feel excited, tired, and half discouraged. Mary, Calvert and Marion went to a Memorial concert of the Mendelssohn Glee Club in memory of Bowman its former conductor. I spent the evening at home reading Genl. J. E. Johnsons paper on the war in which he severely criticizes Jeff. Davis' history of the war, and also a paper by Genl. Imboden. Went to the Club a short time.

Thursday 7. Showery and cool. Have a fire in my stove. Went to the dentists and from there to Dunlaps who had sent me word that he had a new style of the Milinoket to show me. Me and Mr. Ballard thought it a decided success. It is made after my direction, a neglige and is infinitely ahead of any other they have made. They are going to make up almost 40, all the braid they have and put them in their two store windows and see how they take. They are much interested and think they will be a success. Talked about getting a supply of braid for next year and have every faith that it will prove a novelty and a desirable one. I am much encouraged. Came to my room and wrote a long letter to Charlie in which I gave him a detailed account of my interview. I think he will be pleased. Downing came in and I told him all about it. He seems well and happy. I wrote to Maj. Wilkinson yesterday and to Mrs. Morrell. Virst of Albany sent me a check of $150 for my portfolio of engravings I bought at the sale of Vanderlyns collection which dear Gertrude and I arranged for the sale. I was going to a reception at the American Art Galleries this evening at which the prizes were to be distributed but it rained violently and I forgot my keys and was obliged to come back to my room for them about 9 o'clock. I bought a copy of the Century on my way and remained in my room and read some of the interesting War papers, Genl Smiths (Confederate) account of the second day at Seven Pines, Genl McClellans account of the Peninsular Campaign and Badeau's sketch of Grant.

Friday 8" Whittredge came in wet and loaded with bundles and seemed surprised to find me here yet. He says he sells nothing, but has rented his house for six months and is going out among the Kaatskills with his family. Robbie Livingston called with a Mr & Mrs. Bailey. He is in Mr. Bailey's employ. They made quite a long call and seemed to enjoy it. I was in hopes they wanted a picture but they did not. Mrs. Bailey looks like Mrs. Weir. Wells came in by appointment. He was here yesterday for the rent and I told him I was ready to pay it but I thought Mr. Johnston ought to deduct $100. from my bill for the damage and annoyance the building operations had been to me this winter. He told me today he refused to make any deduction. I expressed my self very freely. Paid the bill and told him I considered that I had been unjustly treated and he might tell Johnston so and that I was much displeased. That I had been treated with great lack of consideration in my application for Casilians room, which had been given to another man; Butter, who has been in the building only a few months, without 

Transcription Notes:
all transcribed but 5 unknowns, please fill in and please do not mark complete until neglige - an informal men's cap John William Casilear - another Hudson River School artist ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-03 12:37:08 added dropped word in Wednesday entry, corrected May to Mary and Dewing to Downing, added dropped word without at end ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-03 15:06:28 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-03 20:33:19 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-04 07:03:40