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[[newspaper clipping]]
ROMEYN - Suddenly, of pneumonia, on Monday, May 11.
Emma A., wife of Hiram R. Romeyn.
Funeral Thursday at 9:30 o'clock at 50 East 66th-st.
Interment at Kingston, N.Y.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

and a lack of respect for Gussie. Calvert and I have advised her not to notice it, assumed that Laura will bitterly regret her unkindness. I think Joe is so worrying them all that they take a most morbid view of and distort everything. If they only had the wisdom to keep quiet. Calvert and I took a similar view of the situation and urged the unwisdom of Sara's replying or attempting to defend herself against such unjust and cruel accusations. It seems so much more cruel, now on the very eve of the Anniversary of dear Gussies death and in view of all that Sara has done for Laura and for all of them.    

Monday May 11" 1885. Still cold and chilly with wind from N.W. Calvert is engaged with Terry whose house he is building. My father came down and spent a good part of his day down stairs. We all talked about the hope of selling the place and discussed plans for our future in case we sell. I went down town and paid a note of $250 at the bank. A letter came from Lucy. Sara and I came down by the 7.15 evening train leaving Mary and Calvert there. Found Marion had returned and the house dark but Sara woke her and got herself fixed for the night. 

Tuesday 12" Went to the dentists and from there down to Cortlandt St. to get some seeds to send up to Tom. Had a bad feeling in my head and did not get to work until late. My frames came from Wilmarts four small ones and I put the pictures in them. About 5 o'clock while Hubbard was in my room Sam Coykendall came in. Hubbard went after a while when he asked me what we would take for our place. I made him the offer we settled upon when he replied that he wanted the whole. I told him we did not care to sell the whole and that I offered him the half I did at a reasonable rate because we wanted to sell that part with the buildings. That if we did sell the whole that the additional part would not be on the same terms. The result of our interview was that he wished me to make a price for the whole down to Holmes St, excluding what I wanted to retain as an addition to my lot, and also another proportion for it down to the fence on the side-hill. He is to come up to the house on Sunday. I think he means business this time and will buy it at a fair price which is all we want, and I am strongly in hopes of making a bargain with him. Downing, Marion, Sara and I went to the Academy to see Pinafore at 50c for the best seats in the Parquette.  It was pretty well done.

Wednesday 13" This is the anniversary of dear Gussies death. How well I remember how she looked the last time I saw her a year ago. The morning when I was called early as Sara though she was near her end. Poor child If she were conscious of the trouble which has arisen between her children and all of us how it would torture her sensitive nature. I wonder what their thoughts have been today, for they must regret this abomination. Sara came over in the forenoon to see my pictures. Wood and I walked up to the Academy where lunch was served at 1. The meeting was called at 2. Wood presides as Huntington was sick. All the old officers were reelected with the exception of two councilmen in place of two who retire.  In the vote of Academicians not a single candidate was chosen. I think every one was surprised and disappointed and at once a reconsideration was moved by Carl Brandt, who seemed not to know for whom to vote, in the case of Millet, who only lacked one vote. It was carried, the vote taken and he was elected by a large majority. The same thing was done in the case of Maynard, Merill & F. S. Church.  Four associated were elected. Fran Jones, Alden Neir, W. H. Lippencott and J. Francis Murphy. Dinner was served by Piccard at 6 1/4 very elegantly and in marked contrast to the dinners of several years ago. The dinner is usually pleasant until the champagne begins to 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-03 15:23:32 Document not complete. Revised first paragraph [[?]] to "worrying". Finished transcribing the first paragraph. Could not make out a few words. Transcribed the remainder of May 11 and the rest of the document. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-03 20:36:07 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-03 23:15:57 . ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-04 07:24:58