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[[newspaper clipping]]
WILLIAMSON-On Thursday, May 28, 1885, at Sunset.
Funeral services from his late residence, at Glenwood-on-the-Hudson, on Saturday, at 4:30 p. m.
Interment at Wallingford, Conn.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

Thursday May 28th 1885. Went to the dentists. While I was gone Mrs Watson and Miss Rae called. Have been packing up gradually to go home on Saturday and numbering and arranging my pictures so as to have them ready to send whenever I want to. My picture arrived from Nashville. Whittredge and I dined at Eastman Johnsons. He is painting President Cleveland a big beefy man with a tremendous neck and throat. We talked of Gallait and the great historical painters of whom he was a dignified and noble example and at dinner discussed the changes in its Constitution of the Century to be voted on at the June meeting and agreed that it must not be lost sight of that this club was founded by artists and literary men and it is they who give it its peculiar and enviable distinction. We had a most enjoyable evening and after we returned Whittredge came to my Studio where we smoked a cigar and talked until midnight. Eastman and his wife were invited to Edwina Booths wedding and he was greatly surprised that I was not, but I told him I would have been more surprised if I had been. He said Stedman spoke very slightingly of the Grossmans but I told him I had heard favorable accounts of Edwinas husband. I had heard his brother spoken of as a not agreeable person. Going out of my room in the afternoon I suddenly discovered that a boil or carbuncle has started on the back of my neck. I went directly up to Dr. Hunts but he was out. and so could do nothing. 

Friday 29" Went to see Dr. Hunt first thing. He told me to keep cold water on the neck and gave me some powders to take and hoped to be able to arrest the boil. Found Miss Rae and Mrs. Watson waiting for me in my room as wrote them a note yesterday. Miss Ray is to be in Rondout through June and wants some instruction in painting. I told her I would show her what I could and would not charge her anything. Fuller came shortly after. He gave me an order to paint "Pasture" for him any size I pleased, some thing the effect of Holts picture, a very late twilight. I think I will paint it about 14 = 26 or somewhere near that. He likes the last picture he got from me and the proof of it is he wants another. I am nursing my boil assiduously. Spent the evening at Marys. Julia came with Downing today from Philadelphia where they attended Walter Mendelsons wedding. Eustace Conroy came in the evening to arrange with Marion for the pic=nic on the Palisades tomorrow. Brought in a big box of Hughes candies which Marion upset on the carpet. 

Saturday 30. Decoration day. Streets full of people and the statues of Lincoln, Washington + Lafayette beautifully decorated and great interest shown. The weather is grey and threatening. Mary + Marion went off on their pic nic. Note from Fuller asking me if I would be in about 11 o'clock as he had arranged with Warren to meet me at my studio, and hoped to make the occasion profitable to me. Warren and his wife came first and looked at all my pictures and presently Fuller came. Mrs. Warren finally selected the "Snow" 15+18 for $300 and gave me an order for a twilight same size as a companion, so that with Fullers order it just makes the thousand dollars additional I wanted to make the summer easy. I ordered a coupé and drove up to the 4. o clock train feeling very happy, after having left my room all in order for the summer, and thus ended my season in the city. Tom and Jimmy mete me and I found Calvert here. They had him out to see 

Transcription Notes:
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