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Monday June 8th 1885. Went over to my Studio shortly after breakfast and began a study 8 x 15 for my Pasture picture for Fuller - but I have had to work at it in a desultory sort of way having had many things to attend to. I went down at ten oclock to go to the Bank, to see Mrs. Wood to come up and acknowledge the deed my father is to execute of the lot next to mine and to do a number of errands and to have my hair cut. I always have a talk with Casper. He told me John Lasher had taken the Mansion House again. I went and looked out into the back yard where I presume I have not been in thirty years. It looked very little as it did in the days of the old Mansion House when we lived there. It was pretty warm walking but it has been a variable day! The days are as distinctive as people - no two alike. We have wind and rain and calm and in the afternoon fine rich effects of a low toned landscape and fair skies. What an interest in the skies on these fitful fickle days. Wm Crispell came over and witnessed the note my father gave me for $5,873.41 which with the deed of the lot will settle our account to June 1st this year. He told him he understood it all perfectly and was entirely satisfied with my account. Wood did not come and so the deed has not been executed. Lucy sent a letter to Sade today containing another lot of Joes balder dash. He seems to think every one is interested in his private affairs to the extent of reading long winded explanations of motives, and acres of manuscript on merely personal matters interspersed with criticisms of all one does or fails to do in his behalf. - I received a letter from Mrs Lydia Ely this evening very anxious to have me send all the pictures I can to Milwaukee - Sara had a letter from Emily and Janette. Emily seems anxious about Janette and fears her trouble is not over. Sara removed the last of my Carbuncle tonight. Just ten days since began. I have suffered very little comparatively from it, I think owing to treating it in time with Homeopathic remedies.

Tuesday 9. This has been a busy day. I worked in the garden in the forenoon and painted a small Pasture sketch in a different Key. After dinner I took my father out for a ride, going down town where I did a number of errands. We then drove along the Creek road to the foot of the Point hill and home up Columbus Avenue. Then after driving my father I took Mary and her three children down to the little boat returning to North Kingston, where they are going to spend this week. Just as we started met Mr. Brandon the Notary coming to take acknowledgement of the deed my father is to execute to me, so I hurried back and my father signed it and Brandon as Notary witnessed it. So that is all done now except recording the deed. A basket of plants had meanwhile arrived from Hendersons and I went to work to set them out. There was about 75 of them of different kinds. I think my letter had its effect upon them. I put them all in my Mothers flower garden which was never so full before. I feel very tired to night. It has been cool and windy and a fire was comfortable this evening as it has been nearly every evening thus far. I had a note from Downing. He had seen Joes letter to Charlie telling him to cease his business connection with me and apparently thinks about it Just as I do. What can any gentleman think of such a spirit.

Wednesday 10" Took my father out to ride immediately after breakfast. We went to Kingston where I left the deed to be recorded which my father 

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