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executed to me yesterday. Then we drove out by the Alms House and down the Flat-bush hill, along the old Steep Rocks road and along the North Shore at the Point. Then we came up to the Strand where I got a letter from Mary, and home. After dinner I proposed to take Park down to the Pond for a swim, and as my father seemed very anxious to go I took him along. Poor old Park is getting too old to go so far and I had a good deal of bother to get him home. He had a nice swim which will do him good. The paper for my fathers room came this morning and the man came this afternoon and put it on. Mrs. E. Tomkins and Carrie called. I said nothing about Joes letter. It has been a charming day and my father has enjoyed his rides. I wrote to Lucy this evening and enclosed Mary's letter. She and all of them think just as I do of Joes letter. I sent it and Charlies to her last week.

Thursday June 11" 1885. Picked our first peas today. The paper hanger finished my fathers room and Sara had it all back in order after a thorough cleaning and it looks very fresh and nice. Took my father out for a ride with Billy after dinner. We went to Eddyville, then to Greenkill mill and home through Kingston. Met "Jory" (Robt. Fleming) Girard and Ike North went fishing out to Leggs Mill but caught only a few small fish. Am pretty tired tonight. Had an hour in my studio this morning and made another small sketch of the Paestum. Wrote to Mary. My carbuncle is nearly well although it is still a little irritating.

Friday 12. Was up a little after five and went down to the farm and rattled about. I notice Tom does not get up until near 7 o'clock unless he hears me about. This has the effect of hurrying him up. I worked about until breakfast time closing many things. After breakfast we got Girards hose over from his house and attached it to the barn hydrant and I washed all the waggons. He has ordered 75 feet of hose for me and I will be able to water the house garden and the grass around the house. Around 9 I went down town to attend to a note to the Abbeys due today which I renewed, then came up and got my father and drove out on the Saugerties road to the crossing to Flatbush and home by the Alms house. The Saugerties road was dusty and most disagreeable and the wind being with us mad it most tedious until we turned off toward the Flatbush road. That road is excellent and we came home in some comfort getting here just in time for dinner. This afternoon I investigated my cider barrel about which I have been in doubt and to my surprise I found it excellent. I filled almost thirty bottles from it. Wrote to Mrs Ely and sent my list of pictures for Milmart "Chrismast Eve" $600 and Changing Skies $450. Miss Ray called but I was changing and did not see her. On Monday I presume I will have to start her in her painting. I cut this notice of Mrs. Col. Barkers death from the last Leader. It was written by Mr. Sawyer. She was an admirable woman and reminded me of my mother in many ways.

Saturday 13. Up a little after 5 and went to work cleaning out the tool shop which I finished shortly after breakfast and then went at the vinegar barrel. I found that the cider which I had not drawn off into another barrel had turned to vinegar while that I "racked off" is very sweet and good. Took my father down 

Transcription Notes:
5/3 Lots of ?s, will need some more eyes ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-04 14:05:51 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-04 15:51:04 .