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Sunday June 21" 1885. A hot wind has blown a gale from the South all day, making a kind of day I do not enjoy. I picked the strawberries and peas before breakfast and kept pretty quiet the rest of the day, writing to Booth. Calvert and I walked down to Mr. Terrys house in the afternoon and after tea I drove him down to Steep Rocks to see him. Nannie, Ettie and Agnes Dibbler called in the evening. I wrote to Fuller that I would send him the four sketches I have made of the Paestum for him to choose which one he will have the picture like. I also wrote to Mrs. Warren.

Monday 22" It hardly seems possible that the summer is on the wane and yet yesterday was the last of the lengthening days. I picked the strawberries before breakfast and shortly after breakfast took my father out for a ride. We had a slight shower in the morning and the wind came out of the N.W. with a rich atmosphere. We drove down town and then out by the river road and home by the Alms House and Kingston. I sent by Express the four sketches of the Paestum picture for Fuller and wrote him a note enclosing one for Mrs. Warren. While we were at dinner Eastman Johnson his wife and Ethel came up the road. They had spent Sunday at the Delano's at Barrytown and were going to Lake Mohonk. They had dinner with us and staid until 3 o'clock when I drove them up to the Wallkill valley train after urging them to stay over night. Have been making some lighter birch bark braid this afternoon and fixing the machine for cutting it. I hear nothing from Royal Reed and fear he may have gone from Medway.

Tuesday 23" Took my father out for a ride after picking the strawberries. It was a cool morning with the wind N.W. Started Miss Ray with her sketch before I went. We drove down town to the Post Office and then up towards Kingston where we met the street parade of the "Wild West" show with a stage coach, scouts, cow boys, Indians, horses, Buffalo & Texas cattle. Drove up Albany Avenue, out by the Alms House and home by the old Steep Rocks road and the Strand arriving home just at dinner time. After dinner I took Jimmy, Girard and Charlie up to the "Wild West" show. There were exhibitions of Indians attacking a Stage Coach, the Pony Express, riding bucking horses, Cow boy races and very expert shooting by Dr. Carver. It was quite entertaining and had a real Western flavor. I had the boy pick the sour cherries on my place this morning. I cut this notice of the death of Bayard Taylors father from the Freeman this evening. Am going to N.Y. tomorrow morning. It is really chilly this evening. A telegram came from Booth telling me not to keep my pictures from the Exhibitions for him. Would write when he got settled. 
[[newspaper clipping]]
Bayard Taylor's Father Dead.
KENNETT SQUARE, Pa., June 23.——Joseph Taylor, father of Bayard Taylor, died here yesterday, aged 89.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

Wednesday 24" Went to N.Y. by 6.15 train. A cool delicious morning. Got there a little after 9 and went directly to Rocks to try on my coat and came back with the 10.20 train arriving here at 1.10. It has been a charming day and I can hardly realize that I have been to N.Y. and back and had half the day at home. After dinner went over to my Studio and cut some birch bark for braid for a lighter hat which I want Dunlap to make to see if it will 


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. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-04 19:47:32