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I would go down on Tuesday. Wrote also to Mrs. Ely and to Hanna & Ives in Detroit telling them I would like the money for my picture as soon as convenient.

Saturday July 4" 1885. It has been a beautiful day with fine skies and showers all about us one of them visiting us with a gentle rain fall of an hours duration. I picked some cherries this forenoon and attended to the various things I find to do each day. I awoke with a dull feeling in my head which continued all day. Calvert, Downing and Marion went to the Clambake of the Rondout Canoe Club up at Coddingtons dock. Sara and I were invited but did not go. I wrote to Weir and made some braid

Sunday 5. Bonyer and Monroe came down from the canoe camp at Coddingtons dock about noon and were here at dinner. Later Downing who remained there over night came. We had a slight rain at tea time when they then went away by the West Shore road. Calvert is in some sort of a brown study about something and about as difficult to manage as a lunatic.

Monday 6. Calvert went off by the early train. John & Nannie Sara and I took tea at Mr & Mrs. Cantines and spent a very pleasant evening. We called on Mrs. Van Deusen on our way there. Mrs. Barret was there also Mrs. Willis, and a young lady staying with her, and Miss Van Santvoord. Read a telegram from Fuller today asking me to come to his rooms tomorrow.

Tuesday 7" Went to N.Y. this morning by the 7.40 train to meet Fuller by appointment. Went to my room first and then to his rooms in 40" St. We looked at the Paestum sketches by daylight and also by gas light and discussed them and agreed upon the larger one as a basis, making the sky incline more to blue. Then I went to call on Eastman Johnson and was to go to Whittredges room and look at a picture of birches he has painted and which Fuller thinks of buying if Warren does not like it and was to meet Fuller at my Studio at 2.30. Found Eastman had gone with his family to Nantucket and the house shut up and the family in charge which cares for it each summer, but he was to return Thursday. Then I went down to the Studio building to Whittredges room, but he had gone into the country. Fuller did not come until after 3. Meanwhile I got out my portfolio of photographs and got my Paestum photographs hoping to come home in the Powell, having met Elting Anderson in the street car, but Fuller was so late I could not. When he came he got the key of Whittredges room and we went up and looked at the picture which I liked and advised Fuller to buy it. I thought he might have improved it but I did not say so to Fuller. Whittredge talks "poor" unnecessarily I think, and to his disadvantage I think the stems of the birches a little hard and liney, but that is easily remedied. Then it was time to leave, Fuller went down to Long Branch and I to the W.S. 4 o'clock train. Meanwhile it looked like rain and presently began to rain hard. The train started late and at Newburgh we were delayed half an hour by a slide somewhere close. But we came very fast when we started and did not stop until 

Transcription Notes:
all transcribed, but way too many blanks . ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-04 22:29:41 .