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we reached Kingston. We ran from from Highland to the high bridge fifteen miles in fifteen minutes. The creek and the distance beyond from the bridge this morning under the grey light was very striking and picturesque. I slept very little each night, the effect of two cups of strong coffe at Mrs. Cantines and today I had no time to get anything to eat until I got back to the Kingston Restaurant. I think I will do some sleeping tonight.

Wednesday July 8" 1885. Took my father out for a drive directly after breakfast. Went down to the post office and then to Kingston where I stopped at Tolleys to buy some paper & envelopes, Then we drove out on the Saugerties road to Sanders and along the woods and house by Deacon Osterhoudts. Pools of water lay in the sandy roads showing that a great quantity of rain fell yesterday. It was a fresh charming day and the whole landscape seemed to smile after the refreshing rain so much needed. My father seemed strong and more vigorous than usual and talked interestedly. I received a letter from a Mrs. John Hutchinson from Iowa (no state mentioned) inquiring about my taking pupils &c. And a letter from Mrs Conkey asking for money to pay the funeral expenses of some artists wife who has recently died in Brooklyn. Am working away on the braid and have now about half enough. I presume if Joe knew the trouble he has put me to he would be much pleased.

Thursday 9" It has been pretty hot through the middle of the day with a strong wind and in the afternoon thunder showers and fine skies. I went to my studio after breakfast and began my picture for Fuller "Desolated Shrines", and worked until three o'clock getting it all in. I hope I have made a successful start. After that I "braided" a while. Girard's wife and children and Maurice went on a fine walk to Coddingtons dock by the little boat, which was a success. I wrote to Mr. Dunlap last night telling him of the collapse of my argument with Charlie Osman. I also sent two dollars to Mrs. Conkey for the burial of the person she wrote of. A letter came from Whittredge today from N.Y. where he had just returned from Price Hill and found I had called at his room. He wants me to go off some where with him for a couple of weeks. I think this is the first time he has asked me to go any where with him. Remembering my experience with him two years ago, I have no inclination to go with him even if I could as well as not. I regret to feel so toward him, but he has grown querulous and censorious and I was no longer comfortable with him in this way, while I feel most friendly to him. I wrote him this evening and took a little bit of malicious pleasure in declining telling him how contented I am here and that I am busy on two pictures I have to paint, and that I am thinking of going up into the Maine woods when I can get away.

Friday 10" My father, Mary, Sara and I after breakfast drove over the creek stopping at Fair View (Lawtons) to leave the Buttermilk Jug and came home by the side road. It was a charming 

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