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out with clothes now and I presume that is sufficient for him. I don't expect much from these little waifs but it is discouraging trying to better their condition. I drove up to the station this afternoon and asked Cantine what he thought of my taking him back there, but he did not think it best as he thought Mrs. Snyder did not want him while her husband did, and he would see him. Meanwhile I have not seen Robbie since. Saw Thurber at the station on his way to his Mountain Cottage. Worked on my picture and have it about done, still I shall consider it and see how it looks in its frame. A wee little calf was born to us today and now we have a prospect of some milk. It has been a hot day growing warmer towards evening.

Friday July 17" 1885. Got up at 6 and arranged the hose to water the celery plants in the garden which I finished shortly after breakfast when I went over to my studio and painted, changing a little the tone of the sky in my picture. I also worked a little on the study for Mrs. Warrens picture. After I got through I cleaned up my studio and put things in their places. It has been a very hot day. A telegram came from Harry Donaldson saying Julia would not come tomorrow as expected. There was an extraordinary and very brilliant meteor this evening in the North West. Every day I have a feeling of thankfulness that the summer is passing so pleasantly to me and that I am not disturbed with cares and anxieties as I so often am. I am busy every moment but I am doing what I wish to do and I am happy and contented. It is pleasant to have Alice and her children here and they are enjoying it very much.

Saturday 18. John, Girard and I went fishing today leaving here about 8 o'clock. We drove to Hurley, crossed the bridge and went to Chas. Coles where we left our horses. He drove us up to Cantines bridge and left us, John and I going up a short distance and Girard down. The Creek was very low and the water clear and we found no good places. We went down the creek opposite Coles house where we ate our lunch and went to the house and hitched up our team and drove over the Marbletown ford and down the creek to a point a short distance below Mr. Burn's where we left our horses. Girard and John remained near there but I went down the creek a mile or more but caught nothing. They caught a few small ones and we came home a little after 6. It was a pretty warm day but not nearly so hot as yesterday. The creek views were very pretty and we had a pleasant day. Found Annie Lee at Johns on our return. Yesterday was the hottest day in four years in New York.

Sunday 19" A lovely day, a little warm in the afternoon but still such a day as no one should criticise. Another calf came last night and Tom and I had to arrange quarters for his accommodations. I feel that Toms judgement in the case of the cows is not very good and I really know very little about it, so that it is a subject of some anxiety to me. Sara and I called at Johns on Annie Lee who came yesterday. She is very anxious for a camping experience while she is here.

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