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we found Fred, Annie, Annie Lee, Julia and Fred in place. It was a hot, close day but there was a cool breeze from the South over the lake and it was very comfortable. We had our supper, boiled some corn and made coffee and got through with it just in time to walk down to the station for the 7.15 train. It sprinkled just as the train came and there was every prospect of the usual pic-nic shower but we got home without getting wet for once although it sprinkled a little when we left the train. I had a letter from Weir. They had written him from the Mountain House of their call here on their way which they seemed to have enjoyed. I also had a letter from Mrs. Wheeler urging me to come up to visit them on Thursday and to stay overnight. Mrs. Weir was coming that day to make them a visit. I wrote her that I would come up by the noon train. Wrote to Weir.

Wednesday Aug 12" 1885. Last night was the most trying one of the summer thus far, hot and close with plenty of mosquitoes. Today has been hot but there has been a breeze. I painted a little on my picture and this forenoon wrote to Mrs. Warren that I had finished it and it awaited her order. I hear nothing from Fuller to whom I sent his picture last Friday. He may be absent. Neither do I hear from Detroit. Two hundred dollars due on July 22 from a banker does not come and I am out of money. However so long as I have it coming to me I do not worry. I have now earned a thousand dollars since the first of July. Sara went to a tea party at Miss Forsyths this evening. Mrs. Lindsley was there and she spoke of dear Gertrude and said she would never be forgotten. She said she so often heard her spoken of and always with admiration. Indeed she never will be forgotten by any one who ever knew her. What a blessed memory to leave behind her and how rare. Hiram Hathaway and his son a young man called this afternoon. They had come to attend his brother Will Hathaways funeral yesterday. Cousin Rachel went over to Fairview this morning and tomorrow morning Alice and her two children go home; Marion goes to join Julia and Harry at Lake George and thence to the Adirondacks and I am going to visit Mrs. Wheeler for a day at Tannersville.

Thursday 13" We were up early this morning and breakfasted before six o'clock and then Sara and I accompanied Alice and her two children over the river to take the 7 oclock train for Albany on her way home to Boston. Marion went a little later to Lake George and I took the noon train to visit Mrs. Wheeler by invitation at Tannersville. It was a very hot day. While we were waiting in the train at the West Shore Station I overheard two ladies who sat in front of me tell some friends about Mrs. Thurbers beautiful cottage and the charms of all that region and that "McEntee and Gifford had pronounced it the most interesting part of the Mountains. At Phoenicia a brisk shower burst upon us and it rained most of the way to Tannersville and very hard when we reached there. Mrs. Thurbers coachman met me with a covered buggy and drove me to Mrs. Wheelers 

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1 [[?]] ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-04 23:09:26 .