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Tuesday September 1" 1885.
We are at work on the drain from the cellar and I have been to see a man about blasting it deeper. Received a letter from Fuller today containing his check for $200 on his picture. He was satisfied with the piece. He said he had heard Mrs. Warrens picture had arrived and was still in the box at her house in the city and she preferred not to open it until she came to town. This will not be until Oct. 1st I judge from what she wrote me and I presume I am not to be paid for it until then. This does not suit me at all and I do not like it. She has not even told me of its arrival and I wrote her I should be anxious to hear how she liked it, besides I want the money to pay debts which I have been waiting to discharge with this money. This disappoints and discourages me but I will try to wait as long as I can. Mary, Sara, my father and I took a ride this afternoon. We went down to Poughkeepsie and while Sara was calling on a patient we drove around to call on the Cranes but only saw Henry's wife, all the rest of them having gone up to the Hotel Kaatterskill[[Kaaterskill]] for the day. Seeing Mr. & Mrs. Abbey sitting on their porch we drive there and made a call, my father not getting out of the wagon and Mrs. Abbey not being able to go down to see him. He called it a call at "long range. Calvert did did not return to N.Y. today. He is absorbed in a study for the Grant Monument and for arranging the grounds and can think and talk of nothing else. I have a half discouraged feeling owing to the disarrangement of my plans in not receiving the money for my pictures. A letter from Tom McEntee today in answer to mine wanting John and me to come out. Just as we drove out today we met Mrs. Augustus Broadhead and Mrs. Scovill nee' Sarah transfer on their way to call on us and Sara and I called on them this evening. We thought the daughters manner any thing but agreeable. 

[[left margin]] Gathered Flemish Beauty Pears. [[/left margin]]
Wednesday 2nd Have had a man blasting the drain from the cellar. I gathered the Flemish beauty pears. It has been a most charming day more like October than early September. I have written Farnham at Quebec to see if he can help me in indicating some place in Canada where he has spent the summer where I would be likely to get the brick back braid.

Thursday 3rd. My man finished the blasting at noon today. I was much interested in talking with him yesterday to hear of the struggles and anxieties of a poor, hard working, conscientious man with a large family to provide for. Work has been slack with him this year in the coal dock and he had bought a house and lot which he fears he will lose and to add to his burdens his wife is sickly and last year he paid twenty five dollars to Dr. Chalker. I always wish I could do something to help such a man. I laid the drain pipes six inches lower than they were before and Tom commenced to cover them up. Mrs. Carmell drove up in her elegant carriage with Miss Cooper and I went in to see them in my ragged coat and working garb, and amused them by holding out my hat for a penny. It has been a cool, lovely day but this evening there are indications of rain. Calvert left this morning. I drove him up to the station. I awoke feeling very badly. My head ached and has felt badly all day. A little indigestion I think the result of a little cold. Cousin Rachel is sick also and did not come down to dinner or tea. There is an account in todays Tribune of the shooting of a man in Duchess Co. by Isaac Crissell, Dr. Crissells

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