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and Mrs. Carrells attitude of hostility towards them is quite different from what I had imagined. I supposed she would be grieved to have her daughter leave but it seems she will not entertain the idea of their staying. Well I shall go on with my work and try to live as we have lived and be prepared to have this prospect fail, as it easily may.

Monday Nov. 23" 1885. Had my breakfast at 7 and came away with the 7.40 train. Tom drove me up through a snowstorm from the North and it continued to snow clear down to N.Y. Now it is raining. I brought a roll of canvas down with me and have been sketching and coloring several, it being too dark to paint. I was sorry to come away and leave poor Sade there alone this gloomy day. She is so brave but I could see she dreaded my going. It rained dismally when I went over to dinner and the wind blew in gusts from every direction apparently so that an umbrella was of little use. Mary informed me Osman had been there and was coming tomorrow to lunch. I went directly after dinner to Rosita Johnsons in 16th St. near our house and attended and to my surprise took part in the reading of the "Merchant of Venice" There were a dozen or more people there and it did not break up until near midnight.

Tuesday 24" Still raining all day. I did not go over to Marys to lunch to see Charlie. I really do not care to go through the trial of meeting him. If he cares to see me he will come here. I have no ill feeling towards him but I feel it is better not to see any of them. Painted most of the day but as is usually the case when I have not well considered my subject I have not succeeded very well, still I hope to get something out of it. A telegram came from Edward Brown telling me he had an offer of $400 for my picture "Changing Skies" in the fall exhibition. I sent him word to accept it. Charlie Orman came in about 3 o'clock and staid [[stayed]] until after 5. He seemed to want to speak of the troubles and began by saying he hoped I would come up there. I told him I probably would never go there and then I told him how contemptible in my eyes was Joe's refusal to allow Charlie to go on with our business enterprise. Charlie could not defend it and I told him it showed me what Joe was capable of and that I never wish to see him again, that it was utterly impossible that I could ever have any respect for him. I said not a word about Laura except to ask him if he saw the letter she wrote Sara. He said he had not seen it and I answered "I am sure you could not have seen it for you never would have permitted her to send it. He did not ask me what it was and evidently did not wish me to explain and I did not. Poor fellow. He is in a most difficult and embarrassing situation. Really esteems us and does his best for peace and I told him we all thought just the same of him as we always had. He was not sure whether he would start for home this evening or not, but he went away about half past five. He asked me to dine with him at the hotel but I told him I had an engagement this evening and they would expect me at Marys. I with Mary could have had him there to dinner. He said when he went away that he feel grateful to all of us for feeling so kindly to him, but I told him he had done nothing to cause us to feel otherwise and I said I hoped he would always come to see me when he came here. I went up and spent the evening with Miss Nesmith & Mrs. Anderson. It was a rainy, disagreeable evening.

Wednesday 25. Still threatening and raining occasionally. I went up to the Academy after breakfast and spent a couple of hours looking at the pictures. I had the satisfaction of seeing the yellow card "sold" on mine. Mr. Galt told me a gentleman had wanted my "Christmas Eve" in the spring exhibition but he could not get him to make an offer for it. He said he was coming there and I told him to tell him to come to my studio and look at it. He said he would but he probably wont come. Beatty from Pittsburgh came in and at his request I let 

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