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there was a full attendance. I talked with Shirlaw, Morse, Edgar M Ward Henry & Champney and met Stoddard and Prof. Rood. I half know so many there that it is somewhat embarrassing to go there unless I go often. Some people seem to avoid the trouble of even speaking to me, but I dare say I do the same and this in many cases arises from embarrassment and is not always the result of total indifference. I saw Bispham but had no opportunity to speak with him. I think amid the trouble about Edwina and Downing he is a little stiff with me being a friend of Booth. I have heard nothing from Booth and foresee that I am not to see him this time. I am very sorry for I wanted to see him. 

Sunday Nov. 29" 1885. Came back to my room after breakfast and wrote to Sara and to Alice. Then I went and dined with Fred Norton and Annie. Coming back to my studio I found a note from Booth in which he said it was impossible for him to come to my room today as he was settling with his manager and had a great many things to do, but that he would probably stay in town until Saturday and would come to see me during the week. I went over to Marys to tea and spent the evening there. I was glad to have the day over for Sunday is always a gloomy day to me in the city.

Monday 30". A letter from Sara this morning pretty forlorn with a swelled face. Is expecting the Swans tomorrow. Painted on my picture most of the day. It is pretty dark and it does not entirely satisfy me. I think I will lay it aside for a while. Went around to Shirlans Studio to get his opinion of the Photogravures belonging to Bray which I brought down to consult some experts as I am to be a witness in a suit with the publisher. He thinks as I do that those not published by Goupil & Co are inferior. I saw his illustrations to Goldsmiths Hermit which were very clever. He had a picture on his easel a young woman coming down a hill with two children, excellent in composition and grace of line. He draws with skill and seems to me to have a good feeling for elegance and grace of line. In the evening Marion and I called on Mrs. Custer. She seems to have had a pleasant summer and plenty of pleasant friends. Genl Custers sister is to be there during the holidays and she said she would like to have us meet her. A gentleman friend came in shortly after we did, I do not remember his name, but she and some friends visited his place near Delaware Water Gap and camped for a while. 

Tuesday Dec. 1"1885.
Thus begins the winter. Raw and chilly with prospect of snow. Another letter from Sara. Her face was better. She had got my letter. Nannie had spent the afternoon with her and John came up in the evening. My father seemed dizzy as he went to his room and John assisted him. Sara thought it arose from indigestion and he was all over it when she wrote. I have been painting on my large brook picture, more especially on the water and I think I have greatly improved it. I am going to lend it to the Union League club. Took the photogravures up to Perry to let him look at them. His judgement was the same as mine and he gave me some idea of the process. Bradford was there and gave me tickets for his lecture on the Arctic regions this evening which Mary and I went to hear.

Wednesday 2" Worked most of the day on the brook picture which I am re-painting and I think I am constantly improving it. Mary, Calvert and Marion were invited out to dine and Bowyer and I dined alone. I read until after 10 oclock, then took a walk and came to my room.

Thursday 3" Worked on my picture most of the day. Spent the evening at Marys until 9 o'clock when I came to my room and wrote to Eastman Johnson directing my letter to Rome care Maquay, Hooker & Co. I have a feeling that he may not get it, that he may change his plans and not go to Rome.

Friday 4" The weather is colder. I tried to paint a little yellow mood sketch but with indifferent success. Mr. & Mrs. Warren came by appointment at 11 oclock and after talking the matter of the picture over and looking at a number of sketches she finally selected one of my Shokan 

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