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studies which I have just painted with variations as a late Autumn picture. It is to be oblong and as near as I could understand early Autumn with brilliant color but as usual left the treatment to my discretion. They told me to paint a picture for $350 including frame but I shall only charge them the balance $330 and after thinking it over I think I will paint 15 x 24 - the other picture for which they paid me $300 is 15 x 18 including frame. I am to go there to dine next Wednesday evening. A young lady called while they were here with a card of introduction from Mrs. Mary H. Peabody whom I cannot recall. She said she would call with a friend at 1 oclock. Booth came to see me about 2 oclock and these two ladies who are students at the League came soon after but after looking at my pictures went away. I had a pleasant visit with Booth who has aged I think and is growing very grey. We chatted for a couple of hours. I proposed to him to take any pictures he saw. He has concluded to take the "Kaatskill brook" 30 x 36 I have been working on for $1000 and the "Mountain River" for $450. I dont think he wants them very much but I told him I was anxious to pay him something on my indebtedness and at present could do it in no other way. He said he thought if some time I could perhaps exchange with some other artist and let him have a picture not of my own he would like it, but was very delicate and kind. I told him I recognized he was getting a good deal of my work but if we sold our place I would take these back if he wanted He said after he had these hung up he would not want them to go but I told him I would leave him free to do it if he wanted. He was very kind as he always has been and told me he never thought of this affair between us, of which he has assured me over and over again. He went away about 4 oclock, is going to stay for the Century monthly meeting Saturday night and expects to go to Boston on Sunday. I asked him if Edwina and her husband lived with him and he said they did but that they had their separate suite of apartments and as they breakfasted before he did he really saw very little of them He said they kept a good deal to themselves and seemed to be absorbed in and very fond of each other. Mary and I attempted one French class at Mrs. Scotts in the evening

Saturday Dec 5" 1885. Awoke with a dull feeling in my head. The morning was dull and threatening and it began to rain before I returned to my room. I sent my trunk, full of things I am taking home from my crowded room, to the train and got my picture ready for the Century. Ordered a stretcher for Mrs. Warrens picture 15 x 24 and wrote Beatty of Pittsburgh and to Hanna and Iris about my little picture in their possession Went home by 3.55 train. It was very cold when I reached there the wind blowing from the N.W. Tom met me at the stables. My father had not been down stairs for a day or two having caught a cold and complained of feeling dizzy when he sat up

Sunday 6. It was very cold in my room last night and I slept cold. It is very difficult to warm my great room where it is occupied only once a week. Gustavus Swan and his wife visited here at home last week and Mrs. Davis was with Sara several days. Our nice little Alderney Cosette was taken away by the butcher yesterday having grown old and useless for milk, so that now we have but one cow left for which I am thankful. I am gradually going to get rid of such cares. Went down to the barn and looked about and afterward to various little duties. My father did not come down stairs. Girard and his wife and Jenny came over for the evening and we sat up in my fathers room most of the time. I had a letter from Lucy and read two very interesting ones from her to Sara. Mr. Bray called about his photogravures and invited Sara there to the "Knickerbocker meeting Wednesday night.

Transcription Notes:
Alderney - a breed of cattle 4 [[?]]s s f 4/30 - All now resolved 5/5 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-05 14:51:08 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-05 18:17:03