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Monday Dec. 7" 1885. I did not leave home until noon today. My father seemed to feel and look badly yesterday and I was anxious to see how he was this morning. He seemed to feel better. Sara went to Kingston and I spent the forenoon in looking to the cistern which smells badly and in fixing the listing on the doors. It was very cold and the mercury stood at 12° with a strong N.W. Wind. It did not thaw in the sunshine. I washed my room at 3.30. Almost immediately after Fuller came in He spoke in admiration of my picture at the Century, said Whittredge had taken him up to it and told him he would rather have it than any of Rousseaus and that it had qualities that would always live and much more. He also said Clark called his attention to it and that it was much noticed and that if he had not so many of my pictures he would buy it. Of course this was very gratifying to me just at this time when I so much need a little encouragement and it confirms me in the conviction that the thing to paint is what one feels. I did not think this picture would he popular because it is so low in tone, but I liked it. I went around to the Club a little while and saw the pictures. There was a good portrait of Mr. Chas. Butler by Rice, a new name to me and Winslow Homer had a number of interesting water color sketches made in Nassau. I had unhappy and anxious thoughts and forebodings while at homebutd this little success has made me feel more cheerful and hopeful. A little success is a great testament.

Tuesday 8". The weather was cold this morning but about noon clouds obscured the sun and it grew milder. I stretched and colored a canvas for Mrs. Warrens picture and went out and bought a couple of photograph frames for our man Tom which I and Sara are to give him Christmas with Maurices and my portraits. It was getting late and as I expected Fuller to come and go to the Whitney collection I did not set my palette but spent my time designing a couple of small pictures. Fuller did not come till 3.30. Meanwhile my large "Kaatskill brook" at Kellys Corner had gone to the Union League Club and my picture had come back from the Century. He was very much taken with it and I think it is one of my best pictures. I think he would like to own it, but he says I will be sure to sell it. We walked up Fifth Ave. stopping at Knoedlers window to look at a rather fine winter picture with a Russian sleigh & horses and a fine wintry feeling. Then we went to the drinking room of the Hoffman House of which I have heard a great deal but never seen, to see the "Bougeneau" [[Bouguereau]] Nymphs & Satyr and a winter of Chelmonski. What a gorgeous place to tempt weak and idle people. Silver and glass and luxurious fillings and a delicate fine lunch but I am glad I am a stranger in such places. I dont want to become familiar with their ways. Then we went over to the American art galleries to see the Whitney collection which is to be sold. Almost the first one I saw was mine and it is a fine picture, a little hard and  timid in handling but still it looked well. I could very much improve it with a little work on it. There are a number of American pictures Kensett, Gifford, Guy, Boughton, Henry, and Eastman Johnsons "Stage Coach", rather an interesting collection, with a fine Boughton, a Merle, small Bouguereau and some other good things. The galleries are very luxurious and they have added a new one the past summer. We staid there until 6 o clock when I went to dinner. Called on Julia Dillon in the evening but she was engaged with her French teacher. Came to my room towards ten. Wm. H. Vanderbilt died today.

Wednesday 9" A rainy, dismal day. I am always thankful I am not obliged to be in the streets such days. I painted all day on Mrs. Warrens picture and think I have secured a mellow, agreeable tone. At 6.30 I went up to Jas. S. Warrens and dined and spent the evening. Later I went to the Artists social meeting at the Academy but did not stay long. I dont care for these occasions as I once did, there are always so many new faces. Then I came to my room and having received                                    

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