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a note from Mr. Israel Jones Supt. of the Grouping of House of Refuge telling me he would send Katy Burns up on Saturday by the city of Kingston, I wrote to Sara to visit her and enclosed Mr. Jones' notes.

Thursday Dec. 10" 1885. Sent a note to Rock asking about my suit of clothes but found a note from him shortly after asking me to come up and try them on which I did after breakfast. A letter from Hanna & Ives, Detroit, saying they thought they had a customer for my picture but he was rather undecided as there was only this one to select from. I wrote them offering to send my "Upland Farm" in the Shokan subject (20 x 24) recently painted. Began a little picture 12 x 14 and have painted all day on it. I am going to try to paint pictures which I will see if I know how. Mr. Radford dined at Marys in the evening. He and Calvert are going to Baltimore by the midnight train to look over a tract of land which they are consulted about. We three went up to Columbia College after dinner to attend a meeting of the Chorological Society to hear the report of Dr. Wm. Hayes Ward the director of the Wolfe expedition to Babylonia. It was not particularly interesting as he made no excavations but only went there to explore and to ascertain where it would be profitable to excavate. He showed some photographs on a screen and had a few articles from the ruined cities but which he got in Bagdad at the dealers in antiquities. He seemed an interesting man however and my failure to be much interested was no fault of his.

Friday 11". Went down to the foot of Harriman St. directly after breakfast to find out the name of the Capt. of the city of Kingston to whom I want to address a note tomorrow putting Katy Burns in his care. A telegram came from Sara this afternoon saying she had received my letter and would meet Katy and this evening I had a letter from her in which she says my father stays in bed most of the time and still complains of dizziness when he sits up. I feel troubled about him as I always do when he is not in his usual health. I began a picture 15 x 18 of a scene on the brook at Kellys corners with variations and have worked on it all day. I think it promises well. I want to have some small pictures ready to lend to the various exhibitions. J. G. Brown called and told me Church was at work in his studio. I was surprised for I supposed he was in Mexico. Our French class met this evening.

Saturday 12". Cold and bright. Painted all day on my little Kellys Corner picture and have about finished it. I think there are some good qualities in it and I find I have greater facility and can produce results more easily. There was a notice of the pictures at the Union League in yesterday's Tribune and I think every artists name but mine was mentioned. I dont care only I wonder why I am never mentioned in the Tribune. The notice of these foot pads is not so much a distinction as their silence. Mrs. Conkey came with a lot of young women from Brooklyn and Mrs. Henshaw called. About noon Katy Burns, grown into a buxom young woman came from the House of Refuge in charge of a big policeman. I wrote a note to Capt. Van Kemen of the City of Kingston and he took her down there. I hope she will reach home safely, where Sara is to visit her or have some of her people there.

Thursday 17". Have just returned from home where I went last Sunday morning. Saturday evening I attended the annual dinner of the New York Canoe Club at the Hotel Hungaria. Came near being left on Sunday as there had been a change in the time table. Tom met me at the station. Found my father quite feeble. He had not left his room for several 

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pls dont truncate words, first word completed using last on previous page 3 [[?]]s as of 5/2 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-05 15:58:35