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[[newspaper clipping]]
DRAPER——At his residence,429 Lexington-ave., this city, on Sunday morning, December 20, of pneumonia, John C. Draper, M. D., LL.D.
Funeral at Church of the Transfiguration, 29th-st., near 5th-ave., Wednesday at 1 precisely.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

evening talking most of the time with Mr. Morse who introduced me to a Mr. Kissel and Mr. Harris. I remained at home on Sunday and Monday and on Monday evening Sara and I attended a little card party at Mrs Cantines to celebrate their wedding anniversary. There were present Mr. Sheffield her brother, Miss Cantine his sister, Mr & Mrs John Forsyth, John & Nannie, Mr & Mrs. Clapp, Mr & Mrs Clark, Mr & Mrs Clearwater, Miss Forsyth. We had a very pleasant evening. Calvert came up Monday evening. The weather was cold Saturday and Sunday but moderated Monday. I came down this morning by the 7.40 train. Found a letter here from Detroit wanting me to send the two pictures for two or three days. I went up and saw Wilmurt and made arrangements to send the Shokan picture 20x24 $450. $300 nett in frame and the Kellys brook November 15x15 $300. 200 nett without a frame to be back here by Jan 3. Took my four little pictures to be put in the frames I ordered one to be sent to Alice and one to Tom McEntee the other two to be sent to my room. Made arrangements to begin my water color picture for the exhibition but the stretcher has not come. Wrote to Hanna & Ives, to Alice and to Janette. Called at Mrs. Custers but she had gone out with her sister-in-law Mrs. Calhoun. Went around to the club where I met Pinchot whom I have not seen in a long time and we sat together and talked for a couple of hours. Saw Collins for a moment.

Wednesday Dec. 23” 1885. Dr. Draper who died suddenly with Pneumonia was buried today. He and his wife went abroad with us and we were in England and at Paris together. I always found him very companionable and agreeable. I was thinking about him only the day before I saw this notice of his death. After breakfast I went to Hoylers and bought some candy and to Vantines and got some little Japanese baskets to put them in for the children. Have painted all day and am always happy when I am at work. Have painted on Mrs. Warrens picture and can finish it in a short time now but I do not intend to be in a hurry with it.

[[strikethrough]] Tuesday [[/strikethrough]] Monday 28". I went home Thursday morning and was greatly troubled to find my father apparently more feeble than usual. However later in the day I became convinced that the change was apparent and not real and when I came away last night he was as usual or rather brighter & stronger and he sat up longer yesterday and with less complaint of dizziness. Thursday afternoon we arranged the Xmas tree and found we had as usual a great quantity of things, all very simple. Girards family all came over as soon as it was dark and Tom and Minnie and our two servants Mary & Katy and we distributed the gifts with great satisfaction to all. We had invited John and Nannie but they misunderstood and did not arrive until it was all over and they had had their tea. We expected them to tea after the affair. They spent the evening with us. Christmas was cold and at night the N.E. wind blew a gale. A letter came from Lucy telling about her presents which came next day Saturday. Laura sent Sara and me each a Xmas card with very affectionate messages. Mr & Mrs. Cantine sent my father a beautiful box of roses and Mrs. Coykendall a basket of delicious fruit, both of which I acknowledged for him. I spent a part of Saturday painting one vase of roses which I thought I would send to Mrs. Cantine perhaps. I wrote a long letter to Lucy and one to Mr & Mrs. Sanger Xmas. Sunday morning I awoke with a headache & nausea but it passed of before 

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