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night and I came back to N.Y. by the 7.25 evening train arriving here at 10 30. I always come from train now sadly and reluctantly. Sara seems so alone there that I feel I ought to be there as much as possible. She is simply heroic in her dedication to her father and her daily duties. It would be the greatest comfort to have Lucy there for I feel Sarah is doing too much. However she is cheerful and uncomplaining in spite of all the sad changes at home I love to be there and my heart is always there, I wonder some times that we bear the changes as cheerfully as we do, but I presume it because we try to be prepared now for them. I brought down all the presents for Marys family from Lucy and from house and took them over when I went to breakfast this morning. Mary had just left to visit Julia and Harry in Baltimore but Marion took charge of them. I had a short but kind letter from Booth. The pictures had arrived and he seemed pleased with them. Gill from Springfield called to see about pictures for his annual Exhibition. He thought a man in Springfield would want my little picture of an "Upland farm" He is coming again next week. Mr. & Mrs Cantine and her sister Mrs. Brownell paid me a visit. I had to go up to 51" St to see about the stretcher for my water color which has not come yet and I am idle for the want of it. Called on Julia Dillon and gave her Sara's Xmas present. From there went to the Club a little while and came away feeling the evenings are pretty dull here.

Tuesday Dec. 29" 1885. I was obliged to go and order another stretcher for my water color drawing after waiting all this time. It came before noon and I went immediately at work to stretch the paper and as soon as possible began my picture and have worked steadily upon it all day. Marion went out to spend the evening and Calvert and I talked together until nearly 9 o'clock when I went and called on the Stoddards staying until 11 oclock. I had a very satisfactory and pleasant visit. 

Wednesday 30" Have worked all day on my water color. I thought I had succeeded pretty well but it lacks something. Fuller called and shortly after he left Clark called with Altman the merchant who buys pictures. A most unprepossessing man. Apparently the only thing he wanted from me was the little picture Kensett gave me which he pressed me to let him have. They said they were to be in the building several days and would call again, but I dont expect to see them. I dont think Clark fancies me any more than I do him. Edith Cook made me a visit. When I went to dinner I found Marion on the stairs waiting very anxiously for her father. She had been invited out to dine and had no escort so I volunteered to go with her. She said the house was in 46" St. but thought the No. was 52. When we got there it was not the place. Then she was not sure of the street and we were obliged to come back. After dinner Calvert and I went around to the club to hear a talk on Persia by Benjamin who has recently returned from there where he was U.S. Minister. It was extremely interesting and listened to attentively by a good sized audience. Afterwards I talked with Swain Gifford. Weir was there but I saw him only a moment. He seems constrained and abstracted with me and I fear he is no longer interested in me. He gets into rather deep philosophical water for me, I suppose from inhaling the Yale atmosphere. I regret the weakening of old friendships for I am very attached to him. But he has his own private worries and anxieties and I presume they are not light ones. I do not see why friends cannot share each others anxieties.

Thursday 31. There is something very significant in arriving at the end of the year - a sharp emphasis of the sense of the flight of 

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