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his secretaryship which he has held for 27 years. Geo. Butter had a good portrait of Evarts there but there was nothing else very striking.

Sunday Jan. 10" 1885. Went home by 9.30 train. There was considerable ice in the harbor. Tom met me with the sleigh although the sleighing was not good the snow having drifted. Found my father in his usual state. Sarah & Girard and his wife went up to Mrs. Joseph Budingtons funeral and I sat with my father, who sat up all day, and read to him. I wrote to Mr. Sawyer in the forenoon in answer to his letter to my father. It was a bright cold day.

Monday 11 I came away by the 725 P.M. train and reached my room by 10.30. No word from Detroit and I feel outraged and like writing a sharp letter Found Mrs. Weir had called on Sunday and left word she was going home today. At home I found a letter from Tom McEntee very pleased with the little sketch I sent them.

Tuesday 12. Very cold. Annie Norton had been here in my absence to invite me there to dinner today to meet Annie and Fanny Lee and Mr & Mrs Ross Turner. I left a note there on my return from breakfast accepting. Platt called and invited me to dine with them on Saturday, with Collins, so I am to dine out four days this week. Have been painting on my large picture and improved it. Hubbard called.

[[newspaper clipping]]

Her Demise at Mt. Marion, This Morning——
An Invalid——A Patient Sufferer.

It was with great sadness that the people of Kingston learned of the death of Mrs. H. Joseph Budington, which occurred at Mt. Marion, this morning. Mrs. Anna H. Budington was the daughter of M.T. Trumpbour and wife. She had always lived in Kingston, and was known as a most estimable woman, a model wife, and a fond, loving mother. Mrs. Budington had been an invalid for some years. She contracted a heavy cold which caused a severe lung trouble, from which she suffered for some time, but last spring became so much better her friends hoped she would recover. The family removed to Mt. Marion to get the benefit of the country air. Mrs. Budington seemed to improve for a time, but, on Christmas Day, without any known cause, caught a cold and rapidly grew worse until she died, this morning. The funeral will take place from the residence of M.T. Trumpbour, on Green-street, Kingston, Monday, Jan. 11, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

[[newspaper clipping]]

Her Son Was Drowned in the Rondout Creek, and it Broke Her Heart.

The wife of Christopher Meyer, of Rondout, died, last night, at about 9:45 o'clock. The cause of her demise is sad in the extreme. Ever since the drowning of her son, Charles Meyer, who was a messenger boy for the Baltimore & Ohio Telegraph Company, in Rondout, Mrs. Meyer had grieved constantly. Being of rather a delicate constitution, the terrible blow coming so suddenly and unexpected, gave her a shock that she never fully recovered from, and grief, it appears, was the cause of her death. The deceased was a woman of many noble traits of character, and her love for her husband and children was unbounded. The family have the heartfelt sympathies of many friends in their great trouble.
[[/newspaper clipping]]

I dined at Fred Nortons with Mr & Mrs. Ross Turner, Mr. Foster, Miss Fanny Lee and Julia Dillon. Mr. & Mrs. Turner seemed very agreeable people and I am glad to have made their acquaintance.

Wednesday 13". Went to Dr Browns directly after breakfast to have my wrecked tooth treated. Am to go again tomorrow morning. Began a winter picture 12 x 20 a recollection of a sky I saw when I was home last. I think I have something promising in it. Gill called and told me he hoped to sell my little picture called an upland farm. He is to take that and my little Kaatskill brook and my Christmas eve at $300 $300 and $750 respectively. I limited the Christmas at $500 nett. The only way to have these fellows sell ones pictures is to let them make a good sum. I dined with Mrs. Anderson and Miss Nesmith and spent a very pleasant evening. Mr Anderson was away from home. The weather is very cold and there is good sleighing and today it has not thawed much in the sunshine.

Thursday 14. Went to the dentists and are to go again Saturday. Began a winter picture yesterday upon which I have painted today with dim success. Wrote a note to Gill regarding my little picture of the uplands which he wants to show to a man who he thinks will buy it. What stuff and nonsense. I wrote nothing ever to be ashamed of. Fuller called. Still cold snug winter weather. I wrote to Hanna and Ives of Detroit today and had all I could do to restrain myself from being pretty severe. However I reflected that they might have some satisfactory explanation for the delay. Dined at Lockwood Deforests with Benjamin. In the night I was very ill although I ate a simple dinner and felt well when I went to bed.    

Transcription Notes:
Need handwritten portions ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-25 08:56:06 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-27 17:36:25 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-06 22:42:40 Handwritten portion needs to be finished starting at Tuesday 12... Finished except for an unknown word in Thursday's entry