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also and he seemed to me to look very poor and shabbily dressed. I wonder if he is poor? At Newburgh Joe Tompkins got on the train and came into the car in which we were and seated himself just behind us on the opposite side Sade saw him but I would not look, and utterly ignored his presence. He "hem'd & haw'd" I think to attract our attention but it was of no use. At Harristown Mrs. J. T. got in, and took her seat beside him. I did not see her but Sara recognised her voice. They had been to Mr. Tompkins to celebrate his 93" birth day which occurred yesterday and from what I overheard her say they had taken a final train. I knew he would not stay there long and I doubt if he knows just where he is going or what he is going to do. I think it worries us all who need to stand around and humor his indecisions. I am glad I did not see them and was not obliged to recognize them. I arrive at my studio and find not a single word from the Detroit people. Really I am getting tired of their procrastination. Calvert showed me a letter which he had received this evening, a copy of one he had just received from Joe, informing him that he and "Aunt Maria" were going up to his fathers and that they would be back at the Brevoort House some time on Monday and would remain there a few days and hope he would come some day and dine with them. Downing was polite but noncommitted but I do not think he will go if he can help it. How petty for him to be nagging at us in this way keeping poor Downing on the rack, and all for the purpose of forcing himself on our attention. He certainly must have seen today how utterly abhorent he is to us. Sara I hope is not to be annoyed and have her visit spoiled by coming upon him unexpectedly. Mrs. Merwin "and a Miss Force called. Mrs. Merwin is a relative of the Dr. Peltons wife whom I met at her funeral last Spring. As we were waiting at the Station at Kingston Girard handed me a letter from Antoinette Sterling and a beautiful photograph of her and her little girl like the one I saw at Janettes and admired greatly. Sara and I had a hard time deciphering her very cordial letter coming down.

Tuesday Feb. 2" 1886. Directly after breakfast Sara and I walked up to the dentists where she left me and went to Louise Broadhed where I called for her after Dr Bronne filled my teeth. Then we went to the womans exchange where we bought some cake and other things for my lunch. Then to Prussels where I ordered a roast duck and some ices and fancy head. Then Sara left me to go and make some purchases and I went to Calverts office to see his model of the Grant monument which struck me as large and dignified. I think he has a fine conception. Came over to the Studio Building and found the new housekeeper Mis. Cassidy in charge. She objected to having any of the old servants come here, said they were all gone and so I arranged for her to attend to my lunch. Presently Annie came and said she was ready to do it, so I soothed her as best I could and suppose with all my pains I will get into a row with one side or the other. Mrs. Merwin called again with Miss Force and another lady and apologised for coming so soon, but I assured her I was very glad to see her and was polite and attentive as I would be to any friend of my old friend Dr. Pelton. Sara and I went to one of Thomas' popular concerts at the Academy of Music this evening and enjoyed it greatly, particularly Beethoven's 7" Symphony and a Ballet by Rubinstein. I did not know how really I can enjoy beautiful music. 

Transcription Notes:
first syllable connected to beginning of name on previous page. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-07 11:18:27