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Wednesday Feb 3" 1886.
To the dentists directly after breakfast. After he finished with me I walked down to my studio stopping to buy some flowers and some fruit and to go to the bank. When I reached my studio Sara was here and we went to work getting things in readiness for the lunch party. She arranged the flowers, carnations and lilies, beautifully in my Venetian Epergne and set the table. I put a card "Engaged" on my door. It began to snow violently and as though it meant to continue. There was a knock at my door and Mr & Mrs. Auchincloss came in with their little boy, somewhat surprised at the festive preparations, but Sara and I were jolly and polite and put them at their ease. They came to see my pictures, particularly the one I wrote him about at his request. After looking at the two, (same size) he asked me if I would send one up to his house to see how it would look there, as he would take one or the other. I told him I would send both and that seemed entirely satisfactory. While they were here there was another knock at the door and Booth came in to bring me tickets for this evening which I had to decline, but he is to send me three for Friday. He looked well and was cordial to Sara. I told him I was going to have some interesting ladies at lunch and asked him to join us, but he said he was afraid of ladies and had just had his breakfast and was on his way to see his sister Rose. The ladies came about 1. It was snowing hard but it looked very cozy and pleasant and they seemed to like each other and got on swimmingly together. The lunch began at 2 and was very good but entirely sans ceremonie. I think they were all pleased with Mrs. Custer and she really seems very attractive. She left at 4 and Mrs Anderson and Miss Nesmith at 5 all declaring that they had had a delightful time. Then Sade and I hustled things out of the way as far as we could and she went on ahead to ride over home. I followed shortly after with a box of flowers for Julia Dillon and a satchel full of the "funeral baked meats" for Marion. I reached there first and Sade had to walk after all. There we found Julia Dillon, Miss Tuckerman and Downing who dined with us. Sara and I hurried off directly after dinner to go to see the Mikado at the Standard. It was snowing and blowing and very cold, but we got a green car and reached there pretty comfortably. We had the best seats in the house directly in front in the balcony and we enjoyed the play very much. We walked back. It had stopped snowing but still blew and was cold. I left Sade at 142 and came to my room where I wrote to Mary all about our doings, a note to Mis. Custer explaining a careless remark I made today, and finding a note here from Mis. Eastman Johnson telling me of their arrival home from Europe, I wrote a note welcoming them home and sent my list to the Century, and went out and posted them. By this time it was after 1 o clock and I went to bed very tired. Mr. Auchincloss sent me his check for one of the pictures $450.

Thursday 4" Bitterly cold. Directly after breakfast Sara and I went up to the Water Color Exhibition and remained all morning. I left before she did and came to my studio and then went down town to Devlins to buy an overcoat. Not finding what I wanted I rode up to Brooks on Broadway where I bought one but it was not exactly what I wanted. Came back to my studio and got Mr. Auchincloss pictures ready to send him and also my picture "A glimpse of Hunter Mountain" for the Century. Directly after dinner we all went up to Julia Dillons and called on Mrs. Tuckerman and her daughter and then Sara and I went to see Dixie in Adonis which we both greatly enjoyed. At 3 o clock Sara came 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-04-27 17:37:01 epergne = centerpiece vase Mrs. Custer = widow of George Armstrong Custer .