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I foresee a long bother there but hope I may be patient. Have written him to come and see the Hunter Mountain.

Wednesday Feb. 10" 1886. Began a winter picture of something I saw from the car window and painted vigorously until 3. J. G. Burns came in with accounts of Mrs. Winter. He has collected $160 and was to see John Taylor Johnston about getting her into Bloomingdale Asylum as she is getting unmanageable at her nephews, but he got no satisfaction from him. I have written to Jas. B. Johnston and had two notes from him. He advised me to go to his brother but proposed nothing on his part. Still we are making efforts in other quarters to get her there. Miss Ruff of Philadelphia called with a letter from Lambdon. She had with her a Mrs. or Miss Tryon (I think) a fine looking woman. Mrs Ruff is a cousin of John Sharpes wife and wanted information about plans in the Kaatskills. I made a long and very personal call on Mrs Kimble at the Clarendon this evening and afterwards went around to the club, and saw Perry who wants to start an Artists club which I think well of. A note from Booth asking me when I want seats.

Thursday 11". Overslept and hurried off to breakfast. It was raining slightly. I forgot my appointment with the dentist this morning. Went up to David Andersons photograph gallery and left the picture of Maurice Susan Hutchins let me have and one of Gertrudes to be copied. He said it would take about two weeks. It rained hard and I got wet. It was so dark I could not paint well today. I began a letter to Mrs. Steele. Whittredge came in and spent some time with me. Meanwhile I had written a note to Booth asking for two seats for "Brutus" tonight and three for "Sir Giles" next week. His man came and brought them. I also asked him if he would care to go to see the Morgan Collection and that I would call for him if he would, but he did not care to go out. So Whittredge and I went in a pouring rain. To our great surprise there was a crowd of people there and to my greater surprise many very fine pictures. The collection of pictures, silver, glass &c is immense and sufficient to stock a museum. I met Fuller and Warner there. Whittredge, Warren and I went about together. Whittredge and I are pretty sure to like the same things and I like to look at pictures with him. I spent more than an hour there in the crowd and then came away fagged. I never knew it to rain harder than it did when I left; but I had my Ulster on and caught a Broadway car. Marion and I went in a pouring rain to see John Howard Paynes Tragedy of Brutus which he acted with all his olden fire and fervor. The house was well filled despite the awful weather.

Friday 12. Found a note from Mrs. Thurber last night enclosing a card for a box at the opera tonight for four persons. After breakfast went up and invited Julia Dillon and Miss Tuckerman to go with Marion and me. To the dentists - raining again. Stopped in at Reichards on my way down and looked at his pictures. Of course I told him to send my two to my studio and I would look them over. I could spend all my time repainting my old pictures. Calvert came over to get a little money I am to lend him. Poor Calvert. He looks worried but is very patient and uncomplaining. Have been painting some branches across Fullers "Yellow Autumn Woods" and I think with good effect. Went to see Mr. Donald about Mrs. Winter - He is very kind and thinks we will be able to get her into Bloomingdale. Took me into the church and showed me what they had done which was quiet and in good taste. Went to the American Opera 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-07 13:07:32 ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-07 15:27:46 . An Ulster is a Victorian overcoat. ---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-05-07 16:17:52