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at the Academy of Music with Marion, Miss Tuckerman and Miss Bogart in Julia Dillons place, who was ill. Miss Bogart came in a coupé and took the two ladies around and I met them there. It was raining a little. We found our box was one of the best ones in the house. There was a large audience and the performance was most creditable. L'Allemand acted and sung very satisfactorily and the Fallstaff was good. All the accessories were new and fresh and there was an entire absence of shabbiness in the surroundings. The Ballet was a marked feature.  It poured when we came out but the ladies fortunately had the carriage while I paddled around to the house to let them in.

Saturday Feb 13" 1886. Stopped in a short time to see the Artist Fund collection which was on the whole interesting beyond the average of its exhibitions. Auchincloss came in and bought my Academy picture for $1000, and the little study for my "Katahdin" picture for $100. in the place of the picture returned last week. He made many apologies for his vacillation but I was easy upon him. He remarked "this is final" when he said he would take the picture. This makes me feel very comfortable and besides I am glad to have it go to the exhibition sold. Foggy and rainy still. I sent the Katahdin which was a present from him to his mother, by a messenger boy. Went home at 11.20. Foggy and raining but attempting to clear as we got above the Highlands. Plenty of wind at home. Found my father decidedly brighter and taking more interest in everything. Sam and I dined at John McEntees with their dinner club. Genl. Sharp whose dinner partner she was called for her in a carriage and we both rode down. There were present besides John & his wife, Genl Sharp & Sara, Judge & Mrs. Schoonmaker, Judge & Mrs. Parker, Mr & Mrs. Osterhoudt, Mr. & Mrs. Friso and Miss Gertrude Tremper and myself.  It was a very pleasant and successful affair and we did not get home until 11 o'clock.

Sunday 14" Not yet clear, but warm and springlike with great freshets in all parts of the County. The Norwich has gone down the creek and lies fast in the ice near the light house. When I came up on Saturday I saw a horse and sleigh come across at West Point. Took this occasion to read Mrs. Stones paper and to write some of my impressions. Sat with my father a part of the time and read to him from the Leader and the Sunday Tribune which he enjoyed. After dinner in the evening Sara and I by invitation went down and spent the evening with the Cantines.

Monday 15 Very warm and spring like, the snow nearly all gone I hear a blue bird on the hill whose gurgling note seemed filled with the spirit of spring. Came down on the 7.40 morning train and arriving at my studio found a check from Auchincloss for the balance on the picture which I went to the bank and deposited. Finished my letter to Mrs. Steele and mailed it with my photograph as she requested, and returned Mrs. Stones Ms. with a note. Julia Donaldson arrived this evening and she and Harry are to sail for Europe in about ten days. Downing was at dinner also. Cassie Porter called on Mary today. They with Mrs. Wilkins are staying at the St. Cloud. I went up to call on them in the evening but found only Mrs. Wilkins 

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