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and her grand son, Carrie and Porter having gone to the theatre. I stopped at the Club upon my return but found it pretty dull there. a Mr   a representative of the Mail and Express called and I had a little talk on art matters with him. The Artists Fund had their first nights sale this evening. The prices were low, but as Fitch said at the Club about the same as last year.

Tuesday Feb. 16" 1886. Went up to the dentists directly after breakfast. Was late and expected to ride, but there was a strike on the 4" Av. rail road and was obliged to walk arriving there five minutes late. The servant sent up my name but I waited and waited for a whole hour when the Dr accidentally came down and was astonished to find me there. He had not heard of my arrival and had been waiting for me as I had for him. Of course nothing could be done and I came away. Went to Kellys and ordered some canvases and then came to my studio. I had complained to the new house keeper in Mrs. Winters place that the work in my room was badly done. She sent the servants to do it over, they were vexed and I presume thought me a difficult person to please. I was firm but kind and insisted that hereafter it should be more carefully attended to. They made a regular over every and kept me out of my studio until after 11 o clock. I went to see J. G. Brown who told me all the arrangements were made to send Mrs. Winters to Bloomingdale Asylum. He and Dr. Asch had secured her admittance there by the help of Huntington and Rev. Mr. Donald and she was to go today, a sad conclusion to her benevolent and useful life but the best and only thing we can do for her. I went to work and painted a small sketch  of a "dawn" I saw when I was home last. Worked a little on Fullers picture and on one Van Derlip brought me to look over, painted in 1865, and wrote to Janette Hubbard. Marion, Mary and I went to the 5th av. theatre and saw Booth in his Silver Gunnack which he acted with great honor. I never saw him in this character before. Marion left her muff under her seat. Me and