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[[strikethrough]] Friday [[/strikethrough]]  Thursday Feb. 25 1886. Rained all day and too dark to paint to advantage. I called on J. G. Baron to talk with him about poor old Mrs. Winter whom we have succeeded in getting into the Bloomingdale Asylum. We have paid her board for 13 weeks $130 and have fifty dollars in hand. John Taylor Johnston in whose service, and his brothers, she has worn herself out sent ten dollars. We will take care of her I hope as long as she lives. Mary and I had arranged to go to Charles Romeyns last reception today. I engaged a Hansom to come here at 4 o'clock. It did not come and at half past four I tried to call a messenger in vain to go for a carriage as it was raining violently. In this way the time passed until it was too late. Meanwhile Mary was sitting with her wraps on, waiting for me. It was raining in the evening and Mary and I went and called on Mrs. Morrell who with Miss Morrell is spending a couple of months in the city.

Friday 26. Cold as winter again and the wind blowing a gale. At ten o'clock attended Mr. Codingtons funeral at Grace Church. There was a large congregation and I saw Eastman Johnson, Mathilda and several others whom I knew. Pinchot came to my studio and made a long visit. He wants Eastman, Weir, Whittredge and me to go up to his new home at Milford as soon as it is ready, some time in April perhaps. He took a great fancy to my picture of November with the dark sky, near Steep Rocks and would have bought it had I said one word to influence him. He did say at last that if I did not sell it in the Academy I might consider it his at my price $450. This has been the most trying day of the winter, very cold and with a terrific N.W. wind which has blown at the rate of 84 miles an hour. I have thought many times of Sara and my father and wondered how they stood it on that windy height. I went up to Tiffanys' Hearth warming in his magnificent new studio at 72” St & Madison Av. It is a wonderfully interesting place and fairly amazed me by its quaint and varied aspect. Just before I reached there he was obliged to put out his four wood fires in the center of the studio on account of the terrific gale which blew the smoke into the room, which was a great disappointment. There must have been a hundred guests, mostly artists and a few laymen among them Bishop Porter, Arthur Brooks, Stedman, Dr. Tiffany and others. We had delightful music in the early part of the evening, a Herr Bott played the violin with great skill and feeling to a piano accompaniment and there was a fine baritone singer who sang two songs exquisitely. Later the fire was relighted and Stedman and I sat in front of it and had a friendly chat while we ate a salad and drank some champagne. It was a most agreeable and notable occasion and Stedman and I came away together after midnight. The gale howled down the street and we went with it in a cloud of dust to the Third Av. Elevated road. It was intensely cold and I was glad to reach my comfortable room after 1 oclock. A note came from Mrs. Custer